An Infidel is a person who does not
believe in religion… Those who follow or agree with this line of thought
consider “religion” to weaken the spiritual connection of all things. Religion,
being a man-made method of spiritual expression, causes division and has been
the core of hundreds; even thousands of year’s people have warred against one
Recently, I have spent many hours and days thinking back to
years long passed in these urban jungles of steel and metal. People crammed
side-by-side and even on top of one another floor-by-floor. These people, these
indigent people mate amongst one another and their children the mate then their
children and so on. This creates a sub-culture of digressional and
institutional inferiority. Now today, after decades of social-inbreeding, we
are faced with the terror we see now on our American Street.
This past weekend was beautiful with great weather and not too
many ill incidents of violence in the city. There were a few, but nothing out
of the ordinary. As the weather began to warm up, the young whipper-snappers
began to get into their social-habitat of loud music, disrespectful behavior,
and moral-less fortitude. It seems as though many of today’s youth are products
of music videos and the Crack Epidemic. It is my honest belief these youth are
detriments to your family culture. The negative influences, which come with the
attitudes and swagger of this group will disconnect what you’ve spent the
majority of your family’s existence in developing.
The remedy isn’t so distant from what you are probably thinking
right now. The sacrifice of a few must be done to preserve the majority. I know
many young people are unable to fully complete a job application. I know these
same people are incapable of sitting and performing well for an interview. They
aren’t caring nor concerned about their futures; only their “right now!”
To create a positive culture for your family, you must have your
family all on one common accord. Everyone should be working for the common good
of the family. No outside influences nor negative vibes should be allowed into
the family structure.