Tuesday, April 17, 2012

“Urban Jihad (Of The Infidels)”

 An Infidel is a person who does not believe in religion… Those who follow or agree with this line of thought consider “religion” to weaken the spiritual connection of all things. Religion, being a man-made method of spiritual expression, causes division and has been the core of hundreds; even thousands of year’s people have warred against one another.

Recently, I have spent many hours and days thinking back to years long passed in these urban jungles of steel and metal. People crammed side-by-side and even on top of one another floor-by-floor. These people, these indigent people mate amongst one another and their children the mate then their children and so on. This creates a sub-culture of digressional and institutional inferiority. Now today, after decades of social-inbreeding, we are faced with the terror we see now on our American Street.

This past weekend was beautiful with great weather and not too many ill incidents of violence in the city. There were a few, but nothing out of the ordinary. As the weather began to warm up, the young whipper-snappers began to get into their social-habitat of loud music, disrespectful behavior, and moral-less fortitude. It seems as though many of today’s youth are products of music videos and the Crack Epidemic. It is my honest belief these youth are detriments to your family culture. The negative influences, which come with the attitudes and swagger of this group will disconnect what you’ve spent the majority of your family’s existence in developing.

The remedy isn’t so distant from what you are probably thinking right now. The sacrifice of a few must be done to preserve the majority. I know many young people are unable to fully complete a job application. I know these same people are incapable of sitting and performing well for an interview. They aren’t caring nor concerned about their futures; only their “right now!”

To create a positive culture for your family, you must have your family all on one common accord. Everyone should be working for the common good of the family. No outside influences nor negative vibes should be allowed into the family structure. 

Sometimes, I Ask Myself “WHY?”

 Why are we here?
Why are we always in some political/social conflict?
Why cant people mind their own affairs?
Why would a married person have affairs?
Why is there such a huge economic divide?
Why does “she” allow him to use/disrespect her?
Why is he content with nothing?
Why is he content with ding nothing for himself?
Why is he content with being nothing?
Why is he content with having nothing?
Why do “they” think respect is deserved when not earned?
Why am I charged with accepting the loud and irritating buffoonery many people have come to master?
Why am I questioned when I want better for my family?
Why is Daniela not here?
Why are these questions so hard to answer?

 We exist in a time when all seems to have been fought for not. Through the generations, descendents of those who sacrificed and fought, even died, are truly reaping the benefits while not maintaining the fight once struggled for. The culture of humanity has become lazy and expectations of receiving rather than working for what you get seems to not matter.

 Make this practice in your own life. Ask yourself questions everyday and truly study the question with a desire to fully answer those questions. You may surprise yourself.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Next Steps..."

Why is it so difficult to find and secure employment, which fits both my experience and my education? I'm still wanting to use my experience and education to help youth in our community while dispelling the myth that all urban/indigent youth are some how mentally challenged or warped. My push for changing careers at this point is mostly due to second shift (12:30 PM-to-8:30 PM) is not working well for me or the kids. I would prefer a shift more conducive to being able to be withthe kids during the after-school hours. I need to find a first shift (9-to-5) position somewhere.

My third shift position is not an issue. The kids are home asleep and I'm up monitoring the group home youth. I need a realistic and effective plan for us to focus towards. Things are getting a tad iffy. I need to prove to Daniela, the kids, and especially myslef, I am able to raise and provide for them.

We shall see... We shall see.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

"Late Night @ Home..."

Hey family!!!! I'm back home after a long day hanging out with my 10-year old daughter, N'kya. We ran down to Kenosha then came back to checkout a few car dealerships and even went to the Super-Walmart in Germantown. Now, we're back home. N'kya is asleep while I'm here watching UFC Relaoded. Mark Hunt just destroyed Ben Rothwell. Okay!?! No, I just can't sleep. I hope everyone has a great night tonight sleeping comfortably and relaxing. 

Talk with you all soon. GN!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"Traveling Shoes"

Living is learning and exploring. This means, I haven’t been truly living since March 8th happened. I have to get away. Not in the idea of leaving anyone or anything, but rather the idea of getting away from the stagnation of staying in one place allowing the devastation of sadness and grief to overwhelm me.

I need to get away and visit the world. A close friend of mine travels the world and has told me I need to travel. I’ve been thinking about taking his advice and getting moving. I would love to go to Galveston, TX or Torrance, CA. The only place out of the country I’ve always wanted to go has been Brazil. The home of Gracie Jiujitsu. Pretty interesting. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

“New Motivations…”

When my wife first passed, I was spinning out of control. I didn’t know what to do…I couldn’t get focused and just wanted to explode. Each hour and each day that went by caused for greater heartache and pain. I’ve never felt for someone the way I did/do for my wife, Daniela. I didn’t think I would be able to continue with the elections, but my family and friends pushed and pulled me through it. Each day was a rollercoaster of emotions and the fact of having to “be strong” for our four children, I was a walking mess. 

Now with our family moved and the elections over, I want to get focused on raising the children as she would want. I have decisions to make pertaining to maintaining our lifestyle and culture against career and finances. I need to be available for the kids and spend even more time with them supporting them through their academic careers and social activities.

My question to myself is simply, “What now?”

There are a few ideas I have and possible paths to take for the family. One path is an idea I share with a great friend (Ty Baldwin), which focuses on youth and youth development. With nearly 20-years in Youth/Human Services, I feel it’s time to develop and launch these programs and ideas to assist Milwaukee/Milwaukee County. Currently, we are working on launching the Milwaukee Economic Development Group (or MEDG). This group will be made up of talented and experienced members of our community, who will come together and develop programs through proper planning to help others in the Milwaukee Community.  

The starting line up is being developed as we read!!!   

Sunday, April 1, 2012

What's New...

Today, I relax a bit and reflect on the achievement of completing our move from one rest to the next, which lays the foundation of my life “After Happily Ever After” in this existence.

In the next few weeks, I will lead a small team of LAN Analysts and other operators to launch websites and blogs pertaining to economic growth and development. It is necessary to understand I am searching for new and exciting ideas for this purpose. Also, we will be creating a foundation in my wife’s name to continue her work and dedication to volunteering and helping others.

We will keep you posted…