Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I’ve spent the better part of my life searching. I’ve been searching for a place in this world and this existence for myself. I grew up so protected and sheltered by my parents where I never had to worry about the ills of life and reality. My parents sheltered me and my sisters so much; I grew up in a dream world. My dream world was based in fantasy and not having to concern myself with bills, debt or anything really. Not only were we sheltered, my sisters and I spoiled. I’m spoiled to this day!

I say that to say only, I understand my limitations and faults. Today as a father of four growing children, I try to teach them things my parents taught my siblings and I as we grew up. The purpose and reasoning for hard work. My parents and family have a strong ethical and moral foundation. This is what made me who I am today. It’s where I come from. I try my best to find that place I searched for as a child and have been searching for my entire life. A place of purpose and reason. Then I slam into the brick wall of outside opinions that shouldn’t affect me or what I do, but do affect me because I hold those welding their opinions of me like a broad sword hacking and chopping at any and everything I do or move I make. Then people want to question why I tend to be stand offish or consider distancing myself from everyone.

A few things I get judged on:

I’m a tough parent… I’ve been told my expectations for my children are not realistic. I believe we (African-Americans/Americans in general) coddle our children and don’t push them. Yes, I have high expectations of my children; that’s because I know their potential. They are my and my wife’s children!!

I’m a gun enthusiast… Why am I into guns? I’ve always been into guns. I grew up in a gun culture. If you’re afraid of guns, I thank you for NOT having any because YOU are the type of person who doesn’t need them. I’d rather have a gun and not need it than to need it and not have it. We are living in a savage time.

I'm a Ralph Lauren Polo Head... I'm wasting MY money again. Are you jealous?

I love tattoos… Why do I spend money marking my body? Why do I spend my time doing that? Exactly, MY is the key wording. If my having tattoos on MY body, bought with MY money offends you, it’s not MY issue. Go see a therapist.

I enjoy country and Heavy Metal music… I’m just into music. I’m not going to justify that one. I love music.

I practice Jiujitsu… I’m too fat, too old, it costs too much, those white boys are having a ball kicking my black ass, etc. These are the things said to me for training Jiujitsu all while they are in the bars or on the couch at home. WHOA!

I love horror movies, books, etc… That’s stupid. Why don’t I do something more creative than waste time watching those movies? Here you go again judging what I do in MY life.

I’m very conservative in my political views… Hahaha, I love this one. I’m stupid (again) giving a bad look to black people for my political beliefs. And this comes from someone who doesn’t vote at all. HILARIOUS!

I don’t anchor myself down with religion, but I’m very spiritual… I’m going to Hell, I do this or say this for attention, what would Daniela say, I’m not raising my children right with this thinking, etc. So hypocritical.  

I LOVE my wife and celebrate her as much as possible… I talk about her too much? WTF??? Really? Wow!!!

I believe in my family… I was told I talk about my family like everything is always good. It is! I have both parents, siblings, 6-nephews, 4-children, my brother-in-law (if he ever talks to me again) and a beautiful niece. No one is in jail, everyone’s graduated or currently dong well in school and it is what it is. What else is there?

I don’t think life is hard, I think people make life hard… I’m too rough on people. Life’s not hard. It’s this our that. People make life hard themselves by their dumb and selfish choices. Common sense is very basic.

In all, I’d like it to be known that I try to live by the code of my wife Daniela Sayas-Matthews (RIP) “DO YOU!”  

#Daniela3 #MWAWG #FamilyFirst #Love #Loyalty #LOLIFE #PineHillRdDiaries #BigKids2013 #Growth #Development #Matthewism

1 comment:

  1. SALUTE brotha Lo. Love & Loyalty... 2L's up.. RESPECT from the AyAk fam. A's up high
