Saturday, April 30, 2011


Tonight I witnessed one of my heroes fall and be carried out on his shield. Randy Couture will always be a legend and one of the framers of what mixed martial arts is today. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

"My Midlife Experience"

I called a friend today because I was suffering from extreme anxiety being back at work earlier today. I didn’t want to start back working due to the negative atmosphere at the workplace. The culture of my work environment is full of people talking about one another and about people behind their backs. I can’t stand when people do this. This makes you a coward. If you talk about people, you should be strong enough in yourself to tell that person to their face what you say behind their backs.

To ease my anxiety, my friend said, I should embrace my midlife experience. This was tough for me because I didn’t think, I was in my midlife. Steve said to do something for myself. Do something that has NOTHING to do with family or my wife, but that’s strictly something I like doing. Well, that wasn’t too difficult. All I really like is Gracie Jiu Jitsu. Steve said to engulf myself in jiu jitsu and try not to sacrifice my time for other people or appointments.

Let’s see how this turns out!!! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What is Vacation???

I can’t believe it!!! I began my vacation two days ago, but still I get calls and emails from my supervisor about the job. What do you do when you can’t get away from your job for a break? I truly need advice because I’d rather not snap and catch a case. Opinions!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Never Gonna Be, Me!!!"

Everyone who knows me or even has an idea about who I am quickly understands my undying passion for Gracie Jiu Jitsu. I know some of the top jiu jitsu players in America. I’ve trained with and under some awesome coaches and built strong lifelong relationships. There’s a phrase you hear a lot in the jiu jitsu culture, “the jiu jitsu Lifestyle.” This phrase has caught on and I’ve seen guys who truly encompass this idea. Unfortunately, I’m not one!!!

I’m not sure if I have too much on my plate or if I just don’t know how to practice time management. I would love to practice that jiu jitsu lifestyle, but work, school, and one hundred other things get in the way. I may need to modify my personal development of the lifestyle. :D!!!   

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"You Be Killin' 'em"

“You be killin’ ‘em!!!” – Fabulous

How can the torch of progress be passed when those holding the torch refuse to let it go? I witnessed a young and hungry politician be shun by his elder more seasoned fellow politician and thought it was shameful and ridiculous. I know I get on this political rant every now and again, but they trip me out!!!

To ALL politicians, I need you to know one thing. Those you covent and protect, those you trust and tell all to, those you believe have your best interest at heart are talking about you like a southside dog!!!

Keep it up you’ve just screwed yourself with me.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"You Really Need to Straighten Up, Homie!!!"

“The anticipation for death is worse than death itself!!” – Steven Seagal

I have lived the past year and a half this way. Waiting for momentary destructive lapses in reality. You see one hole and try your best to assist with plugging it, but the drama and chaos still finds its way through the small cracks and crevasses. Then you look to the person assisting with the patchwork and they are on some Willie Bo Bo leaving you victim to the destructive devastation. Later, that co-worker or friend apologizes and promises never to do it again or at least work on team efforts, but a day or so later…here we go again.

You survive these suicidal/homicidal actions due to your close family and friends. What are we without the ones who love and care for us? I’d hate to find out.

My Second eldest child, Nile Jihad Akebulon Mathews, turned 12 yrs. old on April 12th. Golden Birthday. Boogie is about to be a teenager!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Great News!!!"

I had scheduled a second trip to El Dorado for the entire week next week, but those plans spiraled to the ground due to my father’s being ill. Great news from my sister, Kyra; during a visit with my dad today, my mother said he’s doing a little better. Truly great news for the Matthews Family!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"What's the Problem???"


Here we go again! Another opportunity for me to express my dislike and irritation for the ignorant ideologies some people have. In the streets, youth have a twisted understanding of loyalty. On the job, adults have a screwed understanding of loyalty. Loyalty is a common bond, which goes back-and-forth. Many Boot-Lickers think loyalty is only deserving to them. Loyalty is that bond…and that’s the “butt naked truth!!!”

Last night, my wife and I went to visit my father at the VA (Veteran Affairs) Hospital here in Milwaukee. For some reason, my dad kept repeating the phrase, “butt naked truth”. This is a phrase, which was very popular during the late 80’s through to 2000 on a local radio show called The Word Warriors. One of the show’s hosts was a former Milwaukee City Alderman named Michael McGee. Big Mike (or the Commander) would state a fact and end the fact with, “…and that’s the butt naked truth!!!”

Well, visiting my dad and hearing him say those words made me think about what it was about that phrase, which made him so inspired. It’s the idea or being truthful and trust worthy. It was about making your word mean something to others. A few weeks ago, I wrote on my blog about “I got you” and people were offended. That article revolves back to your word being your bond. Don’t promise something you can’t deliver on or have no power at completing.

I told my wife after visiting with my dad, I understand the dynamics of why not to say that statement to people. Especially in the work environment, it’s very dangerous and giving people blind hope. My wife has been promised these gifts of blind faith and nothing has come to be. She said she does job and goes home to our family at the end of the day. Her loyalty is to her family, period!!

Take it as lesson learned.    

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Use Your Vote Your Way"

What is the value of a vote?

That question sounds so basic, but is so relevant in today’s techno-social atmosphere. I hear young non-politically conscious individuals ask what can a single vote do. The idea behind the individual vote is that it adds to other votes to create more and more votes. It’s the idea of power in numbers. Each vote represents one adult individual who, for one reason or another, supports a particular candidate. The more votes for that candidate the better his/her chances at securing the election victory. Although it sounds simple, this process can get very busy and even hectic.

What I find odd about voting is the lack of African-Americans who actually do vote. With the history of African-Americans or black here in America, I would expect more to find the act of voting a privilege and honor to do. Not so with today’s youth and disconnected generation. With politicians being so amplified and commercial, voters rarely get the opportunity to really get to know the candidates. This falseness causes distrust for politicians and a breakdown in the belief true democracy.

I wonder what Andrew Matthews thought about voting. Andrew Matthews was my Great-Grandfather who was born in 1900 and pasted away in 1996. He was born, raised and lived in Arkansas. Could you imagine what he faced pertaining to voting? Although, I love Arkansas and would enjoy being there, I know the rough road my great-grandfather and other African-Americans traveled in the “Deep” south.

Jump-start to 2011, folks are still not voting because of cultural-conditioned environments and extreme lack of social and cultural education. It doesn’t help when those running are uneducated about the political process and government’s multiple layers such as city, county, state, and federal. Another deterrent could be the ones who hold political office tend to forget about the duties of the office and why, they were voted in by their constituents to get into office.

In the end, you alone own your vote. Your vote isn’t for sale. Your vote is to be given and shared in hopes to better your communities and neighborhoods, towns, counties, states and our nation. As does your opinion counts, so does your vote. Use it and use it to your own purposeful utilization. I never tell the truth about whom I vote for because it’s mine and mine alone. Vote for who you support and tomorrow, we’re still friends. Happy voting, =D!!!              

"New Venture in This World!!"

“WAKE UP!!!!!!” Hey everyone, How’s everything going for you and yours? I’m good!!!

Today is election day in Milwaukee County and things are about to get pretty interesting. The Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors is on the turning of a new page. With veteran politician Elizabeth Coggs advancing to the Wisconsin State Assembly, Milwaukee County’s 10th District is about to get some fresh blood. Two men are battling for the seat. Terman Spencer and Eyon Biddle. One is an attorney at law and the other is an executive over multiple unions.

My vote has been set-aside for the young and refreshing, Eyon Biddle. Biddle has extensive experience with unions and companies working in Milwaukee County. He knows the tensions of Milwaukee County families and companies for staying here and continuing to believe things will turn around.

I plan going to the celebratory party tonight after I get off at 8:30 PM and join Eyon Biddle on his victory and his new endeavor as the new Milwaukee County 10th District Board Supervisor. See you soon!!!