Thursday, April 7, 2011

"What's the Problem???"


Here we go again! Another opportunity for me to express my dislike and irritation for the ignorant ideologies some people have. In the streets, youth have a twisted understanding of loyalty. On the job, adults have a screwed understanding of loyalty. Loyalty is a common bond, which goes back-and-forth. Many Boot-Lickers think loyalty is only deserving to them. Loyalty is that bond…and that’s the “butt naked truth!!!”

Last night, my wife and I went to visit my father at the VA (Veteran Affairs) Hospital here in Milwaukee. For some reason, my dad kept repeating the phrase, “butt naked truth”. This is a phrase, which was very popular during the late 80’s through to 2000 on a local radio show called The Word Warriors. One of the show’s hosts was a former Milwaukee City Alderman named Michael McGee. Big Mike (or the Commander) would state a fact and end the fact with, “…and that’s the butt naked truth!!!”

Well, visiting my dad and hearing him say those words made me think about what it was about that phrase, which made him so inspired. It’s the idea or being truthful and trust worthy. It was about making your word mean something to others. A few weeks ago, I wrote on my blog about “I got you” and people were offended. That article revolves back to your word being your bond. Don’t promise something you can’t deliver on or have no power at completing.

I told my wife after visiting with my dad, I understand the dynamics of why not to say that statement to people. Especially in the work environment, it’s very dangerous and giving people blind hope. My wife has been promised these gifts of blind faith and nothing has come to be. She said she does job and goes home to our family at the end of the day. Her loyalty is to her family, period!!

Take it as lesson learned.    

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