Sunday, November 27, 2011

"Your Voice Makes Me Scream..."

How many times do you hear someone talking and their voice alone cause you to twist your face in agony? Unfortunately, I tend to feel this way a lot when around particular people.

So many people are stuck in their personal cells of under-achievement they tend to rub off onto those around them. I really just want to create an atmosphere for my children to enjoy their environment and other surroundings. I try to teach them that many people feed off of the misery of others.   

Graciemag International | Check out who is fighting in Texas to go to Abu Dhabi

Graciemag International | Check out who is fighting in Texas to go to Abu Dhabi

Friday, November 25, 2011


When I was a kid in elementary school, I would mess off a lot. My father always said, "If you aren't going to learn, you need to sit in the corner and let those who want to learn focus on the teacher!!!" he would say, "One dummy per class is enough!"

MKE is changing its face everyday. More building and homes are being torn down with newly constructed projects taking the old structure's place. The sad part of this is those who loved in these areas for decades are being moved out due to inflating rents, mortgages, and property taxes.

Even with the realty bubble exploding a few years ago, this deconstruction of urban neighborhoods is steadily continuing. There seems to be no logical answer to halt the displacement of these families.

So we then remember the Mobb Deep song "Survival of the Fittest!" We can either bitch and complain about it, march about it, or profit from it! The choice is yours.

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

Location:N Cass St,Milwaukee,United States

Sleepless Nights...

I'm not sure the ill reasoning behind my constant inability to sleep through the night. Tonight, it may have to do with my youngest in the bed with with my wife and I, which leads to a comfort issue. At 5-yrs old, Naim sleeps like he's in a grappling tournament.

I have a sleep study coming soon. I hope that helps us figure out why I'm having issues falling asleep.

Let's see if it works...

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

Here We Go Again...

How are you doing??

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

On To Something New...

How's everything going? Fine I hope! I have a short video from earlier today for you guys!!!

I guess maybe later!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:N 9th St,Milwaukee,United States

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Brotherhood Lost...

Earlier this morning, my wife and I went to visit with my grandparents at their home in Milwaukee. After being there an hour or so, my older cousin who lives in their basement came in. it was nice seeing him. As we grew up, he was more like an older brother than cousin. We greeted one another and he jumped into the conversation.

He asked why we were there and when my wife explained the conversation went south. He went in a direction I never expected. My cousin, who I thought of as a brother told my wife or began to gloat, rather, to my wife how “HE” conquered one of my (childhood) ex-girlfriends. He began throwing it in the air to my wife who has already heard the story one million times. He spoke on it as though he won something.


He did win something.

He won screwing her…I guess. The funny part was that we are all adults now. He got one up on me. Yep! My cousin screwed my girlfriend! WOW!!! I submit to the fact that the “ONE” thing my cousin could do over me was that. Not create and raise a family. Not met and build a relationship with an amazing woman. Not obtain multiple academic achievements. Not build a career. My cousin screwed my girlfriend.

My wife and I drove home laughing about it. I smiled all of the way to the house. Someone I cared about as a brother would be that spiteful, he brought up something that happened over twenty years ago. Then he mocked me by telling my wife how I was upset and tried to fight him about her.

“Dude, it was over twenty years ago and it was a childhood crush! Puppy love!” WOW!!!!

My family…how trif?!?!!?!   

Saturday, November 19, 2011

What It Is....

It's pretty late right now. I'm hot and feeling stuffy and uncomfortable. What's up for the morning? I know I have an appointment @ 4 PM.

It's all good! I'm gonna go home and watch UFC 139 on DVR. I know who won so...should I even watch? Whatever...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Biggest Loser...

Is it really that bad being a sore loser? I mean, you try to be victorious and when you lose, it hurts so badly, you end up stressing out and snapping out. Well, maybe not that bad. I tend to get a tad emotional about it. I think it makes you a more intense and passionate person.

The chill of the brisk winds are tearing through my thin flannel shirt. This is “sick” weather. I didn’t wear a cap today, well not a winter cap fit for the weather. As I wonder about being a loser, I look at the possible ills, which could’ve occurred at my place of employment because I’m continuously trying to teach and re-teach adults how to do their jobs. A woman who has spent the last few years being victimized by her, then, husband asked us for help keeping him away from her. Well, he came up to the facility and approached her. She was terrified. The husband was known for threatening with weapons (firearms).

It was horrible hearing and seeing the fear she has for this man. What can I do to let my staff understand the severity of this issue? I think they aren’t serious about their jobs and only sees the time when they clock out for the evening.

Sorry, just venting…      

Thursday, November 17, 2011

And The Winner Is...

On a very serious and non-bias attempt to find your (the readers) honest opinions about the 2012 Elections, who in the Republican Party Race do you see as being a true contender for the White House against the Obama Administration?

I know some of you may find it difficult to make a choice, but try to think about it from a non-partisan position. If you had to match any of the Republican Candidates against President Obama in the 2012 Election, who would it be and why?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Recall Scott Walker or Job Creation...

What do you find to be more important, recalling Scott Walker or brining jobs to Milwaukee? I'm not sure, hence why I'm asking you all.

Recalling Scott Walker will do what? Who will run against him? Many would say Tom Barrett, but does Barrett want to run for Governor? I guess that's an answer only to get from Milwaukee's Mayor.

With or without Scott Walker, how do we get jobs in Milwaukee? Some Milwaukee County Board Supervisors tried to develop a plan, but due to its being too elementary, it was tossed out by County Executive Chris Abele.

Hit me and let me know your opinion.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

She Stalks For Love...

There have been questions popping up all over social networking systems pertaining to guys not treating women how they “deserve” to be treated. Okay…I guess! There’s an amazing mindset of youth coming up today. A friend told me, the generation 30-years old and under is considered the “Dumb Generation” due to their lack of actual intelligence. This wasn’t his personal opinion yet, a study done at the university level. In this blog post, I’ll touch several areas where I understand this perception.

The “Dumb Generation” has an idea that everyone owes them or they deserve respect just because. These vibrate youngsters think they know everything yet, knows actually very little. In this generation, we find the very silly thinking of having babies because babies are great accessories to their name brand outfits. They believe working at Mc Donald’s is below them. They think playing video games will land them that big paying job they dream about. They believe studying is to Google information on their computers and cutting and pasting the information without citing it. The “Dumb Generation” is full of reasons why I ride my children and push them the way I do.

A “Dumb Generation” Issue:

Ladies!!!! Just because he screwed you for 3-minutes and a baby was created doesn’t really mean it’s love. There are droves of young women who believe they can make a guy love them and their babies, which were created out of lust and stupidity. Now the young lady is stuck rearing this object of certain self-destructive behavior. Women are chasing and begging for attention from these guys who saw them as “Booty Calls” and hate the mistake of getting them pregnant. The hate is not for the child, but for the hole he put himself in for getting stuck with the young lady for 18-years. These foolish women are hunting and chasing down these guys and exploiting themselves just to think it was love and not a one-night stand. I laugh because the more and more they try to “make” something out of nothing, the more stupid she ends up looking, which is proof she is just that stupid.

I could get on the guys, but we already know that level of stupidity.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Sun and His Stars....

The father/son relationship, I have with my three sons (Nasir, Nile, and Naim) seems to be growing with a great sense of truth from both sides. My sons know what I’m trying to prepare for them and want from them. I realize I can’t force them to do anything because nature will “always” break through. It’s natural for young men to buck and go against their parents, especially their fathers.

My sons are an amazing group of young spirited men. They find strength within their biological cipher. They work well together and watch each others backs. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Concealed And Carry in Wisconsin....

Well, here we go. They have jumped up and the line has been drawn, again, for Wisconsin’s Concealed and Carry. Politicians have chosen to defend or oppose Conceal and Carry in our great state. It makes me laugh on several levels when city, county, and state politicians who have never experienced handling firearms wave the banner against it. As you may already know, I’m a total advocate for Conceal and Carry. In this blog post I’ll try my best to explain why I agree with Conceal and Carry and why you should as well.

It’s a well known understanding people have carried firearms before this law of Concealed and Carry was even a first draft. Where were the checks and balances then? Where were politicians screaming against criminals carrying and committing crimes with unregistered firearms at that time? Now today’s law gives the law biding citizens the opportunity to protect themselves and their families. Those opposing the law claim more guns on the street will create the opportunity for more gun violence. I disagree!

Criminals who use firearms to commit crimes target those who they suspect are “NOT” carrying weapons to defend themselves. Recently, I asked a known Gangbanger on Milwaukee’s North Side (We’ll call – Rocket) who does he target when robbing or assaulting. “Rocket” stated he looks for people who don’t pay attention to what’s going on around them and who are weak. I asked him if he “thought” someone was carrying a concealed firearm would he target that person. “Rocket” stated, “Man, Why? If I thought they were strapped (carrying), I’d move around and find somebody else.”

Those citizens in Milwaukee and Wisconsin who are signing up for the right to carry firearms aren’t the ones we should be focusing on or concerned with. We need to focus on those firearms, which are being carried by criminals or which are unregistered and illegal. Then you have those advocating signs in establishments stating: “No Guns Allowed”. I laugh when I hear this. Why didn’t they advocate posting those signs before the law? Simple, they didn’t know people were carrying firearms into their establishments. I do agree firearms shouldn’t be allowed in courthouses or the capital. That’s a given, but I know you can carry a firearm without others knowing. I know that personally!

I feel with Conceal and Carry in Wisconsin, we as a community should assist the police and state agencies in getting unregistered firearms off the streets and respect the everyday, hardworking law biding citizens who choose to carry firearms for their individual and family’s protection.

I need your feedback pros or cons.