Friday, August 26, 2011

"Excuses Satisfy The Ones..."

When I woke up this morning, I was surprised to hear a group has organized a rally at the West Allis City Hall about the youth violence, which occurred at Wisconsin State Fair this year. The group is a “pro-white” organization with ties to Arian White Supremacy Groups. My surprise wasn’t that someone other than myself disagreed with the youth and their actions. My disagreement isn’t that there are people claiming hatred as their spear against violence. My disagreement is to the many black people in and around Milwaukee County who don’t agree and won’t stand up against these youth and their actions.
          As an African-American living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I agree there needs to be a force, which will stand up to the youth who seem to be without direction and moral code. These youth need to understand their actions weren’t taught to them by their hardworking and legacy driven families. Urban youth, which tend to be more African-American and Hispanic, are getting more and more ruthless.

          I don’t on any level liken myself to “white supremacist” or any group, which uses race as a division between different groups of people. My family has been known to support and be advocates for African-American and African cultures. I, on the other hand, have always been involved with multi-cultural groups and friends of many different races and ethnic backgrounds. I believe you as an individual are responsible for your actions. These youth are not being responsible. I don’t think they understanding the magnitude in which they are bringing unwarranted attention to law biding African-American youth in Milwaukee.

We have enough to struggle with living here in Milwaukee during these horrible economic and political times. The last thing we need is negativity from a few destructive individuals. Now there are groups of African-Americans who are, in their disagreement with a “white supremacy group” hosting a rally in West Allis, plotting to protest the rally. As much as I disagree with racists, I’m amazed these African-Americans are not focusing their rage and distaste towards the African-American youth who were being destructive and disorderly.

Milwaukee and Wisconsin have been facing massive program cuts for education and activities for youth. This is leaving youth with nothing creative or constructive to do or to practice. This leads them to collectively find alternative activities. I’m in no way condoning this reckless behavior. Still they have a choice weather to do right or wrong. As a youth, I found it easier to do wrong, but I knew what was expected of me as not my parents’ child, but as being an African-American youth in Milwaukee.

Never would I believe or add life to the belief that ignorance has a color. For one to be ignorant, he/she is lacking cultivation and civilized behavioral habits. These youth just happened to be African-American, but as we make more and more excuses for them, we are advocating for their negative and non-productive behaviors.  

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