Thursday, August 25, 2011

Self-Publishing Is Best!!!

Since my last blog, I’ve completed my first manuscript and begun writing my second. I’m pretty excited and it feels awesome. The first one seems a little short to me, but this second manuscript is coming along and I think it’ll be a tad thicker. I need to get the construction of the book and the production of the physical book organized. Also, the marketing needs to be decided on so I can get the books out there and market to the “right” people so I can mange the sale of the books. I’m using social networking as a “free” marketing tool, which arms reach very far.

I will be developing an independent self-publishing house. It’ll be called Pine Hill Road Publishing. The idea is that I’ll publish my own projects and direct them to the audiences of my choosing. The purpose of self-publishing is to eliminate the multiple-middle men usually connected to having your work published. I spoke to another young man who talked with me about having everything done for very reasonable price. I’ve also began networking with many self-published authors and will reach out to them for their advice and expertise on getting their stuff out there.

At my age, I’ve entered a zone with what to write. I have ideas flowing from my fingers, lips, and mind. Everything is open market for me. We’ll see what’s doable.  

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