Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Long over Due"

I want to announce to you, my friends, I’m currently embarking on an awesome project. For the last few weeks, I’ve been writing my first novella. It’s called Pine Hill Road Diaries: “Left For Dead.” Nearly, twenty-five years ago, my family experienced a horror we never expected, which would change our lives forever. My father, who at the time was a police officer in El Dorado, Arkansas, was gunned down during a traffic stop. He survived the shooting, but lost vision in both eyes.

This project isn’t about my father, but more so how his being shot and loss of his sight altered the structure of our family. It’s viewed through the eyes of a young seventeen year old. I want to tell my story. Being a husband and father, I want to express to my wife and children the events, which shaped my thinking were pressed upon me. I do what I do because I was forced to grow up faster than the average person.

I’ve written three chapters and am currently on the forth. As I remember about the time around the shooting, I find myself spinning and flipping in a whirlwind of emotions. Today, I spoke with my very close friend Jeff Johnson. Jeff reminded me of a few things pertaining to the shooting, which I forgot. It was like I slammed into a brick wall. “How could I have forgotten about this?” I wondered.

Writing this project is something I’ve planned on doing several times, but never did. Today with the support of my family, especially my wife, Daniela. I’m feeling really good about completing it.

Thank you, Daiela for your support and positive vide you drought into my life. Thnak you for being the motivation I need to continue pushing on. 3!! 

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