Friday, September 28, 2012

"Act Your Age, Not Your Shoe Size..."

Does anyone remember the Prince song where he sang, "Act your age Momma/Not your shoe size..." so many years ago? The song and verse comes to mind while I roam the city seeing men and women and boys and girls.

I've written a blog about this before, but I continue seeing the chaos and utter disparity when I explore the city's streets, malls and even when I drop my children off at school. Young girls dressing very "Adult" in high heels, low skits and pounds of makeup, fake hair and nails. Then on the other hand, you have men, who are well in their "Adult Years" dressing in sneakers, sagging jeans and oversized sport team jerseys.

What???? It seems as though no one wants to be who they truly are nor do they want to act/dress their own ages.

These young ladies need to understand, they shouldn't really rush to get to those older years. They'll have plenty of time being "grown" without hurrying. On the other hand, the older men need to understand their time's come and gone. Move on... You can't hangout at that period of your aging forever. Please...act your age, not your shoe size.

Ladies! When you dress and act older, you attract older men who are looking to do things older people do.

Men! When you dress younger, your attempting to attract younger women, but you want to do older people things. Grow up! Both of you!

Be who you ate supposed to be.

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

What's Up w/ This Weekend

Good morning World!! I hope everyone's having great preparation time for this weekend. What are you all planning on doing? Where are you going? My weekend starts tomorrow due to having things to do today up until around 9PM. Yeah, I get cheated out of a few hours.

Send me updates on your weekend activities. Since I don't do much "Weekend Kicking It", I can live through your pleasure and enjoyment.

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

iPhone 5 Stresses

I just found out that I’m having some iPhone 5 withdrawals. Don’t worry though. The withdrawals I’m speaking of pertain to not getting the new phone. Let me explain. I have the 4s and downloaded the iOS 6 Download. My phone has been pretty fun this past week. I love my camera. The speed/action shot and panoramic capabilities are so awesome. Everything new on the phone is so wicked, =D! Those withdrawals I spoke on are asking, “Why do I need to upgrade right now?”

We all know how Apple operates and we all get caught up in the hoopla of Apple launching new products. I’m wondering why. Why do I need the new phone as much as I desire it? Other than the slightly larger screen and new charger port, I ask again, “Why do I desire this phone?”

I guess I can and will charge it to the fact we live in a capitalist society and have all bought into the idea of pro-consumerism. I admit I’m a huge abuser of the belief I need all the new toys and best of the best. Back in the day, we called it – Champaign taste on a Beer budget. I’ve been engulfed in this thinking so often it’s sometimes physically taxing. Isn’t that bad? Being a slave to the so-called finer things in life. I laugh because everything considered to be finer always comes with a price a higher price. I bet…no, I know once I purchase the i5, Apple will launch the i5s or i6 just to spite me.

Keep an eye out and we’ll see what comes of this… 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Damn, I'm Lonely Sometimes

I'm with my four oldest children at home watching the end of "Hell on Wheels". It's an AMC weekly series. Pretty cool. The Rapper Common is a co-star. Anyway, while this song plays, I find myself thinking about how lonely I am since my wife passed.

The group Suicidal Tendencies, in their song "Alone" said, "I'm loneliest when I'm in a crowd..." I truly feel exactly what they're saying in that awesome song. While on social networking platforms, I watch how so many people are in relationships they really don't want to be in or feel trap being in. "Get out!"

Seriously, who can determine who should or shouldn't be in a relationship, but those actually "in" the relationship? So don't think I'm pushing anyone to breakup. I respect the idea of being in a relationship and those who have "real" relationships instead of these off base interactions people call relationships.

I was blessed and now I have my memories of her. I try don't find comfort in the idea or saying: "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." I'm in so much constant pain via loneliness, I'd sometimes rather "NOT" have fallen in love. Yep. I said it. The loneliness is that devastating to me. I love my wife and always will, but it just feels that way sometimes. I guess it's due to the person Daniela was and what she did for me. Amazing.

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

Saturday, September 22, 2012


This past Friday, my younger sister called me in the early morning and asked if I was already at the Apple Store to get the new iPhone 5. Friday was the iPhone 5 launch! I told her it was too early to be asking me questions like that. She sat for a few seconds then said, “I have to get the 5!”

My home is the typical American household with many techie-toys. We are considered “Macs” due to only using Mac Products. We have a Mac, MacBook, iPad, several iPhones and a few iPods. I hangout at the Apple Store like people go to the grocery store, it’s cool though! Today, my son (Nasir) and nephew (Alex) went with me to checkout the new iPhone 5. While there, I had an epiphany of sorts. While there, Nasir and Alex stepped over to play with the new iPod Nanos. I ask, “Why?” Why would they look and play with the Nano?

If you have an iPhone, you eliminate the necessity to need other products from Apple (Mac). For example, the iPhone system has a built in iPod; why would you use an exterior iPod? Also, if you have an iPhone what would you use the iPad for? The iPhone does everything and more than the iPad.

You have to be honest about Apple’s marketing and promotions of their product lines. They are truly above the rest in their industry. Each time a new product is launched, the public response is overwhelming. As a costumer, you almost feel obligated to purchase “whatever” is being launched. We must ask ourselves, “Isn’t the iPhone the cannibal of iProducts???   

Friday, September 21, 2012

The iPhone 5 Launches Today

With the long awaited iPhone 5 launching today, I wonder if I still desire it after downloading the new IOS 6.

Personally, I feel the only carrot about the new phone is the shape and the slightly larger screen. Be honest for a second! How many of us really do use half of our current phone capabilities? I surely don't and I have multiple projects and business forum I work in/on.

In my day-to-day usage of my iPhone, use the following regularly: calendar, Reminder, Email, Social Networking Apps, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Alarms, my phone and a few others. I try to find things new and new ways to use my phone.

The hook of the new phone is always the promise of "the new stuff" the phone is going to have. I say all of this to say, I MAY not rush to get the iPhone 5. I hear the 6 will be off the chain, :)!

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Information on Blogging

      With everything going on in my life right now, I’ve decided to limit my blog posting so the substance will be more interesting and full of interesting content. I’ll post once each week in my blog Pine Hill Road Diaries. I’ll get content and subject matter from others and some personal feelings and such. 


Where have I been? Not too sure. Let me find out and ill report to tell you.

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews