Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Buttered Raisin Bread...

"Whoa... Buttered Raisin Bread!!"

I like eating Raisin Bread with melted butter on it. It's a Ray Ray Special. Okay, maybe I shouldn't be eating it, but there's plenty of things I shouldn't be do that I do now. Buttered Raisin Bread is simple. A simple meal or snack for a very simple man.

I believe in family. I believe in spirituality. I believe in working hard and I believe if you work hard, you'll reap benefits sooner or later. I believe do onto other as you'd like them to do onto you. Cliche, but it is what it is. I don't go out much. I'm not too much a fan of people. I dislike most people. I keep to myself because I can control me. It's tough trying to control and manipulate others to do what I want or need them to do for me.

I'm a man who is a father, provider, husband and one who's focused on being the foundation of something greater than myself. It's tough finding peace in that. My idea of simplicity isn't as simple as I thought. Life is so :(

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

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