Sunday, November 4, 2012

"Politics & Me..."

We are now a few days out from the elections to see who the president of the country will be for the next four years. Okay, whatever! Everything is everything and I’m really not too excited about this year’s presidential election. I know saying that will get the crosshairs on my back, but I’m cool with that. Earlier yesterday, I told my daughter (N’kya) that who you vote for is your choice and your opinion. You don’t have to tell anyone your political views and you vote for which you, individually, believe will do more for you as an American citizen. People vote for so many different reasons. I’ve heard some crazy ones and it’s cool. If that’s how they want to spend their vote, they have that right.


Growing up, I was never a fan of politics or the political machine. I come from a family full of me who never gave excuses. We did what was expected of us. We had/have a love and respect for family, community and country. Many people find it very comfortable to fight the establishment and blame the government for their situations and dissatisfactions in their individual lives. Some even have no true beef with the government, they just fight the powers that be simply because it was hip to do so in the ‘60’s. When I became a father, my views on things began to change. I began seeing from the eyes of a parent thinking about the lives of the children and my children as they were born. My wife, Daniela, was more political, but was my true motivator who spawned my interest in local politics. Daniela was a Legislative Aid for a Milwaukee County Board Supervisor. She and I would have long and very intense debates in our living room, which lead to our bedroom. Our bedroom was always a ‘no drama’ area. Never go to bed angry.

Soon, Daniela would tell me, “If you don’t like it, you need to do something to change it. Why don’t you run for office?”

It became an inside joke between the two of us. Daniela would go to many work related events and ask me to attend with her. She was amazing how she worked the crowd. She owned every room she walked into. Soon, though, people would ask me my opinion. Daniela would say, my southern laidback yet, passionate disposition was honest to people. The more events I attended with Daniela, I would be asked my opinion on. Our conversations became venting sessions for us. Daniela saw things from the inside and I saw things as a county employee. Neither of us were happy with county government.

Last year (2011) around October, I believe, we made the decision to go forward. There was an opportunity and we went forward with it. Unfortunately, Daniela passed as the election was heating up and getting good. Now, I take nothing away from the victor’s win of the campaign and his election. After Daniela passed, my focus was in a total tailspin.

A friend (Alderwoman Milele Coggs) told me, “At the end of your election run, you have to ask yourself if you did everything possible to win. If you did, good! But if you didn’t, you leave possibility for doubt. Never leave possibility for doubting yourself.”

Over the last year, I’ve not had anything to do with politics, local government or that professional world in general. My motivation became stagnate. My world was in turmoil. Now as I stand overlooking the ruins of my existence, I question the direction best for me to pursue as a provider, father and citizen our my community.

It’s funny… I don’t find comfort in the Democratic Party. Personally, I think that party is just as wack as the Republican Party. I don’t believe as a voter, you should have to be in a party. I’ve mentioned over and over again, I know not all Dems agree totally with the party nor do I believe all Reps agree with their party. You should have your own choice on who to vote for without the pressures of party members threatening you or making you feel uncomfortable. My grandmother (Leasie Belle Matthews), God rest her soul, when asked who she was voting for said, “That’s not your business. Who I vote for is my business. Vote for who you want to, but please don’t worry about me. Just know I do vote.” I guess she said it best. I follow her wisdom. It hasn’t steered me wrong yet.

Maybe I’m going through a midlife crisis… that would answer a lot. I’d rather charge my situation to my lack of getting after it as I should be, you know.         

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