Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"This Morning's Lesson"

This morning while taking the kids to school, I witnessed one of those odd moments that bring forth deep thought. Well, it wasn’t too deep of thought for me because I have a remedy for it.
My Grandmother, Joyce Watts

I saw a few people on a bus stop near downtown Milwaukee. There was a guy and a girl standing near the bus shelter going back-and-forth. They weren’t being physical, but there was a possibility it may have lead to it. I was thinking it was too early for this type of aggression. Anyway, I pull to the light and get caught by the red light. I roll my window down a tad, just enough to be nosey and see what they were arguing about. It was the typical; he was just denying and she was going in on him. Then the more passive he was, it seemed the more she became aggressive. She then pushed him in his face and he just took it. The light changed and traffic pushed me forward.

Here is my issue…
Ms. Nancy, Yvette and Daniela

Being raised in the environment I was raised in, under the parental guidance I was raised under and being taught by the examples of “real” manhood I had as a child, I know it’s taboo (forbidden) to put your hands on a woman. I think most of you would agree or at least should agree. Well, my philosophy is slowly changing. For a man, you should near put your hands on the woman you are in love with for no reason, but she should never take your ideology and turn it against you.

“Oh, he doesn’t hit women so I can hit him and he won’t hit me back!” That is a common mistake women have today. If your husband, boyfriend or man doesn’t believe in hitting women or being aggressive with women (physically), you should respect that enough to follow suit. I find it common practice for many women to find this the opportune time to jump in a man’s face, push him in his head, grab him by the collar and totally belittle him as a man, but the first time he response “accordingly” the tables flip to him being abusive and a woman beater.

Today, we are witness to a society where many people are lost to who they are and what role they are meant to play in relationships. There are too many women out here imitating and emulating the male persona. Know your role!!! Okay, some may try to say I’m talking about the Gay/Lesbian culture, which I’m not yet, I hold-heartedly am referring to this idea that women can do everything a man can do; or at least should be able to. A few weeks ago I posted a photo of a woman holding a military rifle and mentioned she was a bout to drop it and this is why women shouldn’t be in combat. Many women came at me and were very unhappy that I posted that statement. Okay, you are allowed your opinion and I’m allowed to disagree with it. Right? I mean this is America, right?
My sister Shanyce Mc Gee and my daughter N'kya

Now, women, I feel you need to make your choice and be honest with yourselves and do it in a realty based mental state. In saying “women can do anything men can do,” you’re then sacrificing chivalry and the nearly forgotten practice of men being respectful and courteous towards women. As women, you want to do everything men can do even fight in combat, but are surprised and appalled and even fall under the protection of being a frail women if a man puts his hands on you. Damn, that’s a Catch 22 of I ever heard of one.

So coming from a man who doesn’t believe or practice being hitting or disrespecting women, I would like for you to think about this the next time you see a woman shoving, yelling, cursing, hitting and disrespecting a man while he just stands there and takes it. Feel pity for the example and impractical relationship practices they both are displaying. The women displaying her uncivilized and savage and his being a fool for putting up with it.
Me with my daughter N'kya

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