Monday, May 9, 2011

"Goal Setting"

We set goals in nearly everything we do. Consciously or unconsciously, we set goals and benchmarks to push ourselves in an attempt to be better. Basketball players practice and focus on the techniques and mechanics of the Jump Shot. His goal maybe to raise his statistics of hitting jump shots. A singer will practice and develop their range to hit higher notes and use their voice in new innovative tones. Goal-setting is used to motivate a person to reach for goals and raise their “stakes” weather those stakes are for amateur, professional, or self-enlightenment.

I have tried to set goals, but I tend to fail and not complete the goal or even the benchmark measurements. I’ve always been like that. It comes from being spoiled. I never had the parents that would ride me into doing something. Don’t get me wrong, Ray and Sherry were and are very supportive, but if I didn’t want to do something, they wouldn’t press me. I guess due to their hard and well disciplined up bringing, my parents felt they would go easier on their children. As a parent now, I see that was more a hindrance than actually helping me. I started many sports and activities, but for one reason or another, I never completed them or continued. Now, let’s fast forward 30-years!!!

You all know one thing about me! If you don’t know anything else, “I love Gracie Jiu-Jitsu!!!” I found this beautiful and effective art as a nearing to be old man and have embraced it fully. Still, I fail at making and maintaining goals and benchmarks. Fail seems to be a very harsh term. I’m not failing to make the goals, but being a working parent and student creates less opportunity to maintain goals for myself in jiu-jitsu. That’s all soon to change. June this year will mark my fifth year training Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. It’s been a hard, draining, painful road. I’ve met many great friends and have actually lost a few good friends. My family has grown in and around jiu-jitsu. Jiu-jitsu has been around for the good and bad times.

In my goal development, I want to make long and short goals. There should be weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual goals all, which lead to the final goal of “whatever!!” I have a great support system in my family and now assisting with that support system are my teammates I currently train with. No one ever does anything alone. It’s just a fact. Everyone needs somebody to lean on and help. I’m developing and will be maintaining those goals and benchmarks on this blog to show my achievements and failures only to utilize them in helping myself and others.   


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