Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Old Dude and Jiu Jitsu"

Here I stand at forty years old practicing “a young man’s sport” and loving it. I literally love Gracie Jiu Jitsu. It was not always like that. It grew on me and helped me understand the importance of knowing jiu jitsu to prevail in hand-to-hand street situations. I truly believe through jiu jitsu and the culture it has helped develop here in the United States, we can create stronger bonds with others generate more peaceful and harmonious atmospheres for the younger ones who practice the art.

Five years ago, I walked into Henry Matamoro’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu School on South Kay Kay Avenue in Bayview. It was cool. I trained with a great team of super-guys and teammates. I rarely trained with Sensei Henry mostly I trained with the likes of Scott Huston, Red Schafer, and Dr. Tim. These guys were awesome!!! Scott Huston is an awesome coach and competitor. He is a 2X Pan AM Champion. Red Schafer is also a very good coach and competitor and a professional MMA Fighter. Dr. Tim did not compete much, but he is one of the best coaches I have ever trained with in any sport. He is very technical and very focused on the fundamentals.

After the higher-ranking belts at Matamoro’s left for Roufusports, I found my way to Kenosha to train under Dave Rosenmarkle. Dave was great because not only does he have great jiu jitsu and is an awesome coach, Dave is a family man and could understand the dynamics of being a working father and in school as I did when I trained at Gracie Barra Wisconsin. Unfortunately, things happen and I was not able to attend class as much as I should have. I was promoted by Dave and received all of my stripes from him. With having troubles getting to Kenosha three times each week, I went to train under Scott Huston at his new school called 360 BJJ School in Wauwatosa. Scott Huston is a beast!!! He trains under Comprido (FLO MMA, IL). While training at 360 BJJ, I fell under economic distress and mild-depression. It was bad! It got to the point that Scott was going to let me continue to train without payment, but I do not like being carried. I pay what I owe. So I left 360 BJJ.

After a few months of vagabonding around to different school and multiple coaches, I went to Roufusports and joined up to train under the head jiu jitsu coach at that time, Red Schafer due to our relationship from Matamoro’s. I trained with Aaron Bridges, but due to their schedule change, I was again left out. Also, the day I joined Roufusports, I did not know, Red was leaving to start his own school. DAMN IT!!! “Can a brother get a break?” I said enough is enough; I called Red and shortly after joined with Red Schafer MMA.

Al of the moving from school to school and coach to coach, I was tired. I just love jiu jitsu. I know there are many things in jiu jitsu I will never grasp, but I love the art. I am not trying to be an MMA Fighter. I so not want to compete on a big scale or be a grappling competitor. My interest in jiu jitsu is to prepare my children and myself for hand-to-hand street encounters. I love the self-defense curriculums and want to teach the self-defense curriculum to youth.      

Soon I will be facing a momentous opportunity to grow as a jiu jitsu player and an all around human being. Every jiu jitsu player goes through growth and I am proud that my coach and friend believe in me. Five long and rocky years culminating into one day. My goal is not to disappoint him, my team, or my family. This is what jiu jitsu does. It bonds you with others you would rarely interact with in any other environment.

I want to use jiu jitsu as the tool to help me center myself and better my situation in life.

Ray Matthews Jr.
Red Schafer MMA 

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