Saturday, May 7, 2011

“Holla At ‘Cha Boy!!!”

Sitting at the Mac writing this post while listing to my playlist. Just cleaned up the house with my baby girl and youngest son. Since I’m off today and it’s so beautiful out, I’m going to attempt to ride the vibe and be in beautiful spirits. I’m not going to let anyone bring me down. Life is too short to let negative people destroy your idea of peace and serenity.

Yesterday, I trained with my coach, Red Schafer. We did Combat Conditioning at the gym. Dude, it was touch!!! It was tough, but I feel good. My arms are tight and my confidence has risen a little!! Today the youth program starts at the gym. I think I’ll take my youngest two up there to checkout the class.

If you want to train with some killer coaches in an awesome environment, you should come check out Red Schafer MMA @ 811 E. Vienna Ave. here in Milwaukee, WI.


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