Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pine Hill Rd: "NEWS FEEDS"

Yeah, friends and family to Pine Hill Road Diaries! This installment of my blog is dedicated to being a “News” update edition of the blog. I want to let you guys & gals to know what’s been going on in the lives of the 10th Street Matthews Clan.

Kids Dealing with Day-to-Day Living

The kids are doing well. We continue talking about Daniela and I really maintain keeping her relevant around our house and with the kids. They’re very receptive and engage in the conversations about their Mom. They even tell their own stories about her during family interactions.

The new chore schedule is underway and working well, so far. Instead of chores being daily or weekly, I’ve chosen to assign chores monthly. One entire month for assigned chores cuts down on the arguments about whose day or week it is. Now you only hear arguments once each month, =D!

Due to not being able to get out to visit the schools, as I’d like, I’ve created a form, which the kids take to school and have their teachers sign for verification and accountability of their assignments and behaviors in class. This began very testy with N’kya and Nasir, but once I explained our positions and stations in the family, they fell in compliance without issue.

What’s Up w/ Me (Ray Ray)?

I’m having issues with getting proper rest. Working third shift isn’t a problem. The problem comes when I try to do too many things throughout the day without getting that proper number of hours to sleep. I’m awesome on six hours sleep.

My job searching has actually landed a few interviews and I’m thinking there’s a few rays of sunshine peeking through the clouds above me.

My sister has been trying to get me to go back to school, but I’m still letting that settle on my mind. I have a few things I need to set up and get situated properly before I make an awesome jump like going back to school. My interest in school would be more business focused and aiming to getting into the corporate arena…maybe.

Family Plans

I purchased Jiujitsu Kimonos for Nile and N’kya and will be getting Nasir and Naim’s within the next couple of weeks. Once they all have their kimonos, we’ll start our training as a family in Kenosha at Gracie Barra. I think our greatest opportunity to bond as a family is through Jiujitsu and we all want to start working on that bond.

I’m trying to plot a Wisconsin Dells trip, but it’s still very sketchy right now. I’m looking for a target date around mid-February. Sounds doable.

What’s On The Horizon?

The focus is everyone doing well academically and settling in during this semester. My focus is employment and designing a financial plan for growth and stability for our family’s household. I’m focusing on 2013, as the foundation of my new era, which is about financial growth and independence. I’ll discuss more in this topic in blog posts to come.

One Man’s Opinion…

There has been a lot of news coverage on the President’s new ban on assault rifles and the lines have been drawn in the sand from both sides. I don’t understand why this is such a, so-called “Hot Topic” for our country. First, as most of you already know, I’m an advocate of our Second Amendment and our Right to bare arms. I come from a family of men and women who support the gun culture.

In a picture on my Face Book Page, which caused a lot of controversy, I posted a picture of my AR-15 and the caption said: I apologize if you didn’t understand when I first said it, so let me clear it up. My AR-15 is not for hunting. My assault rifle is for people; for anyone who threatens my family or our way of living. I plan to lay them down without hesitation.

All of the attention going to restrictions on registering or licensing weapons brings up another question. Why is the focus on those who are purchasing weapons legally and not those who are purchasing illegal weapons? Those who are following the law and purchasing weapons legally are trying to the best of their ability to do things within the letter of the law. The millions of illegal weapons in the streets seems have slid off the table while those law abiding citizens are again being targeted and punished. I went and bought three more 30-round clips and am going again this weekend. Just to let you know!!!

Be safe… Protect your family and your rights!!!

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