Tuesday, January 15, 2013


For the past few days, I’ve had an overwhelming sense of necessity to pursue and research career/industry-transitioning opportunities for myself. I’m at that midlife’s point where we should access and assess my personal individual successes in life, love and career. Honestly, I’ve been blessed in life. Some may think I’ve lived a mediocre life, but I don’t agree. My life has been so awesome. I know most of you guys are going to think I’m talking about my wife, Daniela, which would normally be correct. I’m talking about my life with Daniela, before Daniela and even after Daniela. My life has been a very awesome experience.

Taking A Look At My Career Ambitions

As a young naive dreamer living in the rural back roads of southern Arkansas, I dreamt of doing and being many things. I’ll never forget, my undying passion for wanting to join the Marine Corps and going career. I was going to be an officer and join JAG having an awesome career while being stationed in Japan. After doing my 20-years, I was going to retire and enter the civilian corporate arena and work as an attorney with a corporate firm practicing Intellectual Property Law.

Things happen…

Then I came to Milwaukee where the dream changed. I was going to join the Milwaukee Police Department and follow my father’s footsteps in a career of law enforcement.  I was going to be a real gunfighter for justice. Then, nothing.

Things happen…

By the time I became a father with my first child/son, I was lost and was only trying to find a paycheck. I would see guys downtown in their suits going and coming in and out of buildings on their corporate rat race. I was so envious. My wife saw that desire and she totally supported me in my dreams and ambitions. She was my sole-motivator. She allowed me to pursue my dreams. She pushed me through my college career and multiple degrees. She was so awesome.

Things happen…

My great-grandfather and father sold me on education as the way to take our family name to the next level. While growing up, I would hear how education is the way for African-Americans to rise from the ashes of national-social disparity in economics and possibility. Now, instead of hearing that I’m not educated or don’t have enough experience, I’m disrespected and discriminated against for the opposite. Today, I hear that I’m too educated and have too much experience. In other words I’m over qualified. What the… are you serious?

So here I sit on my couch watching one of the greatest movies ever, ‘A Bronx Tale’ starring Robert De Niro, pecking at these keys on my Mac Book trying to figure out which direction to go as far as my career goals. Most of my working career has been in the non-profit sector. I’m thinking about taking the leap to try and find employment in the for-profit sector. I’ve been very comfortable in the NFP Youth and Family Services Industry, but I need to secure financial security and believe I can make more money in the for-profit sector. At the end of the day, it’s always about making a better life for my children (family). 

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