Hahahahaha, Grandad is getting played.
Pine Hill Road Diaries is dedicated to the place which touched my soul and has motivated me throughout my life. This is my path back to that wonderful place of mine. This blog is my journal to the creation of publishing my novels and short stories and many other projects I'm doing right now. I hope you enjoy and follow!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
"Houston Nights"

I’m looking to head back south. I’ve
been researching Texas, filling out applications and my cousins are keeping an
eye out for jobs and career openings in the area. I talk to the kids about it
everyday and they are so hyped up about it. They’ve always known the plan was
to leave Wisconsin and head back south. Even when Daniela was here, our
family’s goal was to relocate south either to Arkansas or Texas. I love
Arkansas, but economically, it wouldn’t be a logical move for us.

Don’t forget, I have two blogs and
want you all to come join them and get updates on what’s going on with the kids
and I on our journey and journeys.
Pine Hill
Road Diaries: www.phrdiries.blogspot.com
Fat Boy Jiujitsu: www.fatboyjitz.blogspot.com
Don’t forget to join/subscribe to my
blogs. You can email me at rmatthewsjr1@icloud.com
or rmatthewsjr1@me.com. I hope to hear
from you soon!!!
Please don't get the headwraps and Afghan Scarfs twisted. We respect Middled Eastern Islam, but that's not what we're on. "P.E.A.C.E!"
"Missing A Woman's Presence"
I'm going to try and keep this light and not dwell in the emotional prison of missing my late wife, Daniela Matthews.
Raising a gang of boys is simple. Maybe because I'm a male and I was a young boy once and in raising them it's just natural for me. I mean boys don't have to do too much maintenance in their daily preparations. We're pretty much wash and go.
The problem is my daughter. Wow! Being a widowed father raising a daughter is so new and so scary for me. My daughter is only 11-years old, but she's growing and developing right in front of me. I have no idea how or what it takes to raise a female child. My position as Daddy has me more concerned about checking young whipper-snappers than female hygiene products.
When I was a teenager, I was well known to be “that dude” who fathers would warn their daughters about. You know, the fathers who threaten with intimidation and tales of horrific outcomes if I were to come near their daughters. The sad part is, I knew those cats were just blowing smoke. Today,I’m not playing. I can totally see myself chopping up a young cat, Glad-Locking his body parts and burying those individual parts in multiple random locations to make it hard to find that ass! Seriously.
I miss the presence of a female in my house for multiple reasons, but to mentor and be there for my daughter is the most important. I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to teaching a young girl to be a woman. Only a woman can do that properly.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
sitting here at my Mac trying to figure out something to write about. Usually,
I can just sit here and pump out letters, words, sentences, paragraph, which
turn into posts or blogs. That’s cool, but every now and again, I get trapped
in a mental block. Like right now. I guess this block is fueled by my deep
passion and utter sickness felt when people have to be taught or directed to do
the most natural thing known to man…to love.
We can
blame so many sources for this distasteful celebration of sorts. Please, know,
I’m not bitter nor am I a “woman hater” of any sorts. I happen to love the
female species and hold her on top of the most high. I understand the
importance of ‘WOMAN’ and her unquestionable purpose linked to ‘MAN’ as they
push forward in the natural order of life. I understand it and I respect it.
is nowhere as difficult to understand, as you may believe it is. Many people
can’t comprehend how simple their lives can be as long as you focus on one
common truth; which is, “You’re not all that important. You need to know your
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
"Missing You Today!"
As a man who loved being a husband, father and provider, I truly miss the honor and respect of being such. I have my children and love them even more today than ever. Of course I provide for them. I guess my passion for loving and being in love with my wife has caused me to stop in my tracks.
I could do the father and provider totally on auto-pilot, but having someone love and honor and take care of you mentally and emotionally is so awesome. Hahaha...I never really would need to hangout with many people or do things with others, I only needed Daniela. My world was perfect just having her to talk to and cuddle with. The companionship my wife and I shared was one for the records. We were an old fashioned couple with old school values. Today people say you have an old spirit. All I know is Daniela and I loved being married. We loved being in love.
When I see the kids, I watch them to peep a trait they have, which reminds me of Daniela. All four for our babies remind me of her. Beautiful children.
I wonder sometimes if my life somehow was the ultimate cause of my wife's passing. I know it sounds weird even thinking that, but I think it sometimes. I think if I were a better person early on Daniela would still be here.
As a man who loved being a husband, father and provider, I truly miss the honor and respect of being such. I have my children and love them even more today than ever. Of course I provide for them. I guess my passion for loving and being in love with my wife has caused me to stop in my tracks.
I could do the father and provider totally on auto-pilot, but having someone love and honor and take care of you mentally and emotionally is so awesome. Hahaha...I never really would need to hangout with many people or do things with others, I only needed Daniela. My world was perfect just having her to talk to and cuddle with. The companionship my wife and I shared was one for the records. We were an old fashioned couple with old school values. Today people say you have an old spirit. All I know is Daniela and I loved being married. We loved being in love.
When I see the kids, I watch them to peep a trait they have, which reminds me of Daniela. All four for our babies remind me of her. Beautiful children.
I wonder sometimes if my life somehow was the ultimate cause of my wife's passing. I know it sounds weird even thinking that, but I think it sometimes. I think if I were a better person early on Daniela would still be here.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Forced To Comply....
In today's fast-paced social society we are facing a dilemma, which is as enslaving as well as stifling our individualisms while claiming to support them. Things have changed in 2013 since 1955. That's just a true fact of reality. I'm a true advocate of people having their right to choose or date or whatever. Some groups attack you if your personal views don't coin side with their agenda. I think this is wrong and bullish.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
If you were asked how to help and assist Milwaukee Youth to navigate the
obstacles and trappings many youth fall victim to these days, what would you
Realistically, what would your remedy be? How would you create
opportunities for youth in Milwaukee to better themselves while preparing for
adulthood and economic independence?
In the nearly twenty years I've worked in youth and family services and
community volunteerism, I've learned the greatest reward one can obtain would
be to assist others and give back to those who were less fortunate than you. I
learned this from my wife who truly felt the achievement of helping and
assisting others.
There are so many open doors for talented and creative individuals to
develop programming for youth in Milwaukee, which could invest in raw human
capital we have in/around Milwaukee County. My wheels are moving and ideas are
developing swiftly for a huge opportunity I’ve been thinking about to do just
that. To assist youth in Milwaukee to better themselves.
Caught Up In The Cellular Matrix Through Data & Unlimited Plans
Yesterday, I went to Breakfast with a very good friend. He and I haven't hung out in weeks and it was a great opportunity to catch up with one another. We talked about the usual chitter-chat. We talked abotu the kids, work, the psychos we incounter on the job, you know. He ask me to bring my charger because his phone was dead and needed juice. Unfortunetly, we don't have the same phones. He has an Evo and I have an iPhone.
The conversation then turned on cellular devices and carriers. I thought this month's cellular bill was out of order for me at $500. Then I had to think about it. I have five (5) phones on my Verizon Account. I have a Family Plan with unlimited usage and data. My shildren have downloaded a few things and we've used our devices out of WiFi zones so I can see it being a tad high. It's usually around $250-$300. My friend, on the other hand is single and has one phone. His bill came in yesterday and for one month...one month, his bill was nearly $2,500.
With the high cellular month-to-month costs, I was wondering how our parents survived without cellular devices. AT &T, Sprint and Verizon are teh three top dogs in cellular companies. They are killing use with these extreme charges and costs. I complain, but I can't at all stop for some reason. I guess that's part of being an American Consumer in 2013. You just have to spend your money. Sounds like my father who always said, "Money isn't meant to be saved. It's meant to be spent." I wish he'd give me some so I can spend his.
The conversation then turned on cellular devices and carriers. I thought this month's cellular bill was out of order for me at $500. Then I had to think about it. I have five (5) phones on my Verizon Account. I have a Family Plan with unlimited usage and data. My shildren have downloaded a few things and we've used our devices out of WiFi zones so I can see it being a tad high. It's usually around $250-$300. My friend, on the other hand is single and has one phone. His bill came in yesterday and for one month...one month, his bill was nearly $2,500.

"iPhone 5's Newest Competition..."
With the launching of the new Blackberry z10 next month, Apple's iPhone has a new competitor. Honestly, With my blogging and consulting projects, I tend to need something that's more contructed for the "On The Go" working and I think the new BB may have what I'm looking for. No worries, i5... I'm an Apple. That's not changing anytiime soon.
Why the BlackBerry Z10 is hotter than Apple's iPhone
Why the BlackBerry Z10 is hotter than Apple's iPhone
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