Saturday, February 2, 2013


If you were asked how to help and assist Milwaukee Youth to navigate the obstacles and trappings many youth fall victim to these days, what would you say? 
Realistically, what would your remedy be? How would you create opportunities for youth in Milwaukee to better themselves while preparing for adulthood and economic independence?

In the nearly twenty years I've worked in youth and family services and community volunteerism, I've learned the greatest reward one can obtain would be to assist others and give back to those who were less fortunate than you. I learned this from my wife who truly felt the achievement of helping and assisting others.

There are so many open doors for talented and creative individuals to develop programming for youth in Milwaukee, which could invest in raw human capital we have in/around Milwaukee County. My wheels are moving and ideas are developing swiftly for a huge opportunity I’ve been thinking about to do just that. To assist youth in Milwaukee to better themselves.   

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