Thursday, February 14, 2013


I’m sitting here at my Mac trying to figure out something to write about. Usually, I can just sit here and pump out letters, words, sentences, paragraph, which turn into posts or blogs. That’s cool, but every now and again, I get trapped in a mental block. Like right now. I guess this block is fueled by my deep passion and utter sickness felt when people have to be taught or directed to do the most natural thing known to man…to love.

We can blame so many sources for this distasteful celebration of sorts. Please, know, I’m not bitter nor am I a “woman hater” of any sorts. I happen to love the female species and hold her on top of the most high. I understand the importance of ‘WOMAN’ and her unquestionable purpose linked to ‘MAN’ as they push forward in the natural order of life. I understand it and I respect it.

I’ve heard from elders, “Little girls play with dolls and play house preparing to be and do that as adults.” It’s true, but I was always a boy who dreamt of being a husband and father. I was one who loved the idea of being married and falling in love. There are few young boys who focus on that and hope for that. I talk to my sons about their roles as being positive, productive, husbands and fathers; community and family focused men. Also, I teach my daughter to accept nothing less from a man who shows interest in her. I believe, it is through strong grounded families whose foundation is built on moral and ethical principals of respect, order, brotherhood and neighborly concern many communities in America will be able to resurrect themselves from the pits of social and economical despair many of us struggle in today.

Life is nowhere as difficult to understand, as you may believe it is. Many people can’t comprehend how simple their lives can be as long as you focus on one common truth; which is, “You’re not all that important. You need to know your place!”   

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