Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Doing It For Me...and Them"

We all need to embrace the methods of self-preservation. I find myself stressing about things, which are out of my control. Human beings are well known for trying to fix that, which is not yours to correct. Work on your problems, issues, and imperfections. This will allow the flow of things to take their natural place in your life. You just have to be free and open.

This makes me happy. Times with my family.

Recently, on our family trip to El Dorado, Arkansas, I recorded this video as the kids and I laughed and talked about their mother and my wife, Daniela as she slept. It is these five people, who motivate me to try being a better man. Everyone needs someone or something to motivate them to be better than they are now.

"Snow Daze"

The winter is the beast here in Milwaukee, which tends to drive many people away from here. I have a love hate relationship with winter. Many people enjoy the seasonal idea of winter, but can't deal with the horrid cold and the massive snow. Wow, the snow is crazy. I wish I could find a medium with attempting to transition and relocate, but stay near the elemental wonderland.

My children all were born and raised in Milwaukee so the idea of snowy winters are nothing new to them. I truly wonder of they could exist in an environment without the harsh winters Milwaukee has given them.

I wonder if the winters in Milwaukee are easier to handle than the summers in the south. Now that's something to look into!!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

iWeb Site: Pine HIll Road

Here's my website. Let me know what you guys think about it!

I'm going to link this blog and my website together.

"Getting in the Swing of Things"

Tomorrow morning, I’ll be headed to Jiu-jitsu class at Red Schafer MMA. I’m going to get there and try to burn myself out. I have a lot of work to do in order to get in shape. Let’s start by getting in class on a consistent basis.

I “HAVE TO” get in shape!!! I have to loose weight and get in shape. I accomplished several goals and now I have set new ones and those have to be taken down one by one.    
I gotta get into the swing of things!!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


This past month has been very trying for me. My pressure comes from a lot of pressure from outside sources. I’m on the hunt for supplementary income to create funds for personal business investment. I’m not a techy, but I utilize technology to assist with growing and developing financial growth.

Overall, my goal is shaky right now and needs to be developed more. 


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Matthewism Weekly Update!!!!

I still have yet, to hear from my two oldest sons while they are up north with their family in Marquette County. My second oldest, Nile, does communicate with me via Face Book. The oldest, Nasir, doesn’t even talk to me on Face Book. I guess, he’s that cool!! I never thought my dad was cool until I had children myself. I guess that’s where, Nasir and I are in our relationship. It seems as though I’m just that old dude who sleeps in the room with mom.

N’kya is doing some great things. She’s singing and preparing for a performance at Milwaukee’s King Center. My baby girl is very talented and very well-respected with her singing and poetry capabilities. I may have her write something to sharpen skills and help develop her creative bug, =D!!!

That little boy had a bad week at summer camp…yes, there has only been three days of camp, which two of he did go to! He escaped the house and got over to my mother’s house and we haven’t heard from him since. Hey! That’s how it’s been going down for our family.

Daniela and I have been spending mucho time together. While she’s rehabbing her foot, I want her to know, I’m there for her to lean on when she needs me. Matthewism at it’s finest!!!! I shaved my head again because it helps me deal with and control my Follicultis Decalvans and I think it looks better than my crazy hair-doo look. I have to get several shots of steroids directly into my head each month and take a daily medication to control it. WHOA!!!!! It’s better than the alternative. Talk to you soon.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Struggle To Begin The Exodus"

It continues to be ultra-difficult finding employment in one location when you are not living in that particular city or state. My wife and I are hard pressed to relocate our family to El Dorado, AR or Galveston County, TX. I’ve applied to tons of companies and firms, but no positive return. It’s getting super-irritating and seems to make me rethink the possibility or relocation all together.

My aunt and uncle (living in Galveston) continue holding out the branch of assistance yet, we won’t cause them any stress with Daniela and I bringing our family down and live off them. They are trying to help us get down there so bad. I’ll continue applying and trying to get this “Exodus” moving for us.

I tend to wonder if it seems as though we’re running away from something here in Wisconsin or are we truly trying to give our babies fresh opportunities in a new environment. Things are getting hectic here and very deep.

I think my family (and I) has a vibe that has grown sharp right instead of trying to roll the common path. I’m thinking of doing some very drastic plotting and hope things develop well.      

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"One Day In The Life!!!"

Today was my first day off work in a long while and it seemed like it went by ultra-quick. I guess that’s how it goes down. You plan on the weekend and it comes then it goes. Wow, it went too fast for my enjoyment. Now, the wife and daughter are upstairs asleep while I’m down stairs watching The Boondocks (Adult Swim). Today, I got some time and renewed my membership with my gym (Red Schafer Mixed Martial Arts). My wife felt (feels) it was important for me to continue training. She thinks it helps my focus and I must agree with her.

Now that I’m soon turning even older, I need to refocus on my medical issues and overall health. This will be a good year….I truly hope.  

Friday, July 8, 2011

"Envy...Darn it!!!"

I ran into a friend today who is relocating from here to somewhere down south. This blog is directly to him:

“Hey, it was cool seeing you today at the doctor’s office. I wanted to write you and tell you that my day was horrible after we spoke. All I did was think about you and your family moving just wishing it were me and mine, ;)! I still have these thoughts ripping and running through my mind.

I hope you know now this weekend will be dedicated to one thing… researching more and even more on the location we want to be. I totally agree with Wisconsin going down the proverbial toilet. Mostly, I think I’m dwelling on this so much because I understand how I want to raise my own family and the strongest environment I feel will support that.”      

"Dumb Ass People In Milwaukee!!!!!"

I am very upset right now at this very moment. Not three minutes ago, I was riding home with Daniela (my wife) and N’kya (my daughter) when it happened. We came to a red light and the cross traffic was a funeral precession. It was moving slow, as all funeral precession do. I see a car pull up next to me and nearly run through the precession. Then the driver looks at the light and starts talking crap about “she having the right-of-way”. Next as the precession continued, I see a car running on the right side of the precession trying to pass. They got caught by the curb and other cars ending up having to sit until the precession passed.

I know you all get tired of me and my “Southern-isms”, but this has to stop. The proper respect to a funeral, if you know them or not, is to stop on either side of the street and let them pass. This is their last ride. You’ll have many more. Stop acting like savages and show some respect for your heritage and fellow man.

Damn, people, when will we learn???   

Monday, July 4, 2011

"Money, Money, Money!!!!"

It’s funny…. How many hours do we need in a day to be satisfied with everything we need to accomplish for ourselves? Time is a funny thing. When you have something important to do, you never have enough time. Then when you’re bored, there’s too much time in the day.

Trying to cut down to a more economic and efficient use of time is very difficult. At my old age (I know, Toni, I’m not old, =D), I need to manage my time better, whereas not to always be in a rush to or from somewhere and to be able to get rest and relaxation each day. Although, I struggled through the past few years, I need to focus on creating opportunities to bring in more utilization-specific revenue to the house.

Any ideas on secondary (supplementary) incomes?  

Sleeping "Near" the Enemy!!!

Up a tad late this 4th of July, the wife and I found time to celebrate our independence from our tyrant youth, =D!

Seriously, I am so caught up in the cliché of dealing with nosey and irritating In-laws. It amazes me that these people beg, fight, and live so trifling about how much I am not doing (for their family) or they are doing that, but can not even…

…let’s try and go another direction.

Do you think the world would be a better place if everyone stayed out of everyone else’s business? My wife’s family are some of the most “crap” starting-ness people I have ever encountered. This is why most of them are not allowed to my house. They breed on negative energy. Daniela’s family happens to be a strong reason for my push to leave Wisconsin and return to Arkansas. Once we get away from them, we can rest our spirits and exhale.

My Mom's has some family who are irritating too. So, my motto is: "Matthews, We All We Got!!!!" If you're not a Matthews from Andrew and Hattie, you just aren't in the mix!!!

Have a great 4th!!!