Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Matthewism Weekly Update!!!!

I still have yet, to hear from my two oldest sons while they are up north with their family in Marquette County. My second oldest, Nile, does communicate with me via Face Book. The oldest, Nasir, doesn’t even talk to me on Face Book. I guess, he’s that cool!! I never thought my dad was cool until I had children myself. I guess that’s where, Nasir and I are in our relationship. It seems as though I’m just that old dude who sleeps in the room with mom.

N’kya is doing some great things. She’s singing and preparing for a performance at Milwaukee’s King Center. My baby girl is very talented and very well-respected with her singing and poetry capabilities. I may have her write something to sharpen skills and help develop her creative bug, =D!!!

That little boy had a bad week at summer camp…yes, there has only been three days of camp, which two of he did go to! He escaped the house and got over to my mother’s house and we haven’t heard from him since. Hey! That’s how it’s been going down for our family.

Daniela and I have been spending mucho time together. While she’s rehabbing her foot, I want her to know, I’m there for her to lean on when she needs me. Matthewism at it’s finest!!!! I shaved my head again because it helps me deal with and control my Follicultis Decalvans and I think it looks better than my crazy hair-doo look. I have to get several shots of steroids directly into my head each month and take a daily medication to control it. WHOA!!!!! It’s better than the alternative. Talk to you soon.

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