Saturday, October 15, 2011

Protest Or Work...

I need your advice or opinion rather. I did something today, I thought would work as a motivator for a few co-workers and staff. I found an article in the local newspaper here in Milwaukee; I printed it then tacked it to the community board in our main office. The title of the Jounral Sentinel article was Wisconsin Loses 800 Private-sector Jobs; Unemployment Rises. The meat of the article was about how we (America) are in a horrible economic period and how we are steadily loosing jobs.

I understand we are suffering from horrid and depressing times right now. We seem to continue to have no idea on how to solve this problem and are continuing to do the same things, which have set us here. As people and families are falling victim to these dire times, I still see people living as though they have all of the time in the world to regroup and get their household finances under control. Below is a comparison of both Wisconsin and United States unemployment growth over the past year or so. 

Wisconsin Unemployment     U.S. Unemployment

August 2011: 7.9%          August 2011: 9.1%
July 2011: 7.8%          July 2011: 9.1%
August 2010: 8.0%          August 2010: 9.6%

I understand you may not be where you’d like to be financially. I also understand it would be only a few people’s choice to work in an environment like they currently work in. for example, I embraced my employment, not because I liked it, but originally because it was a job. As I see friends and co-workers (and myself) who are working so far below their deserved pay grades, many have to find supplementary incomes working below their earning potential. What’s funny too is many employers will refuse to hire those with extensive experience and educations. They do this so they have reign and control over those who aren’t knowledgeable about the job and the job duties.

I’ve experienced several friends who have full time jobs, but who are currently searching for supplementary incomes. They’re working on the weekends or later in the day shifts. This feeling to secure those secondary incomes to save money or even just to break even each month are becoming more important to families and individuals of the American work force.

I’m continuously seeing updates on these “Occupy Wall Street” protests and wonder what the people are trying to achieve. You got do what you have to if you want to get yours. Mc Donald’s is hiring!!!

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