Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"From The Mouths Of Babies..."

Hey world… How’s everything going these days? That’s how I tend to start my journals to myself. I charge everything to asking how the day is going so far. You’d be happy to know, I’ve never heard a verbal answer/response come back to me. I guess, I’m happy as well. Yesterday was a very drab and hollow Monday. It was raining and warmer than comfortable. This is truly sick weather. A friend told me weather doesn’t get you sick, you get sick from germs. Okay, then this is “germmie” weather and I’m liable to get sick from that. Whatever it is, I really dislike the emotional and physical feeling the season is causing.

My youngans are all doing well. I think they find comfort in their own realm of what they deem to be important to them. For example, the relationship N’kya’s and I share with one another. Everyone who knows our family already knows, N’kya and I have always had a very close relationship. It was welcome in our family structure and it remains today. I’ve always been an advocate of men having close protective relationships with their daughters. It builds a bond and understanding while teaching the daughter her worth and what she should expect and look for in her boyfriends and potential husband.

For the last few months, I’ve had a friend I spoke with on the phone several times and actually went out to breakfast with once. I tell my children about women I have friendships with or even are interested in because I don’t want to hide from them or lie to them about what’s going on with me. They all have respected this and it actually helps our parent/child(ren) relationships. This one woman has caused issue with my daughter without knowing it. N’kya asked to talk to me and said she doesn’t want me seeing or talking to this woman for any reason. She said she feels the woman has an unhealthy spirit.

WoW!!! Eleven years old and she’s as wise as many adults I know. In telling me her opinion, I thought to joke and told her the woman was coming over and my daughter, my baby began to cry and I felt like a pile of dog dump covered in eight-week old trash. Once I realized she was sincere, I quickly apologized and hugged her. First, I charged it to her missing her mother as I do most things they react to, but she said she didn’t mind if I talked to a woman who made me comfortable and happy; she just doesn’t like this one.

Daniela is my guardian angel, but it is clear, she’s left four pillars of faith around me to continue on. My children are beautiful and very opinionated. Their opinions were forged in our home being guided my their mother (Daniela Matthews) and I in truth and kindness to all. It was said there is a power of truth, which comes from the mouths of babies. My daughter isn’t jealous of attention I may give someone, but she is someone who knows wickedness.      

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