Saturday, October 6, 2012


It’s been a trying road full of pain and disappointment. Many days have found me confused and stressed out. Many times I’ve nearly begged to be taken to my dear wife, Daniela in the afterlife only to, then, see the tearful and tired eyes of our four children. I know I have to push through and assist them through these years and prepare them for their adulthood. No worries, Daniela and I will be together again…

Daniela and I spent a lot of time together. When I say “a lot” I truly mean it. We would go to the bodega together, out to eat, school meetings and such. We even volunteered doing the same things so we could spend that time together as well. Some of our family and friends thought we were what they called, “doing too much”, but we didn’t mind their uneducated analysis of how we manifested our relationship and marriage. We just did what we found to work for us; and it did work. Many times we would find ourselves consulting our friends and other couples. Guys would always say how they wanted a woman like Daniela and women would say how they wanted a man like me. This would always make Daniela and I laugh. She would explain that it’s all about fitting with one another. I’d add and we need to understand how to sacrifice. You can never be greedy in this type of relationship. It’s more about what you can give than what you can get.

Since Daniela passed, I’ve had two situations, which weren’t planned with women. In the process of these encounters, I find my feelings for my wife to dictate the tone of the relationships. It’s shown me many women are wanting to idea of having a good man and a man who believes in relationships and love, but what they want is to say they have a man and remain independent. Daniela wanted to love and be loved and she believed in family and loved children. It was a beautiful experience being in love with her. She taught me there wasn’t anything with being in love. Together, Daniela and I understood the importance of knowing our places in our relationship and marriage. Yeah, I said it! I said we knew our places. She knew I was the husband and father, as I knew she was the wife and mother. Really, it was a wonder and beautiful bond. I guess that’s why I’m still so motivated by seeing her again.

I know many cool people. Many of them are amazing, intelligent and gorgeous women who are single parents raising beautiful children. These women who struggle day-to-day, but who push forward for their love of those children. These women have been in relationships that gave them their children, but who experience men not mature enough or worthy to have them as their wives. My heart hurts for these women because they are taking care of their children and their business and struggling without the love and support of a man worthy of them. These women are always on my mind because they are amazing to me. I pray for them everyday.

Ladies, keep your heads up! You know who you are, ;D

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

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