Thursday, October 11, 2012

Own Your Actions

I'm so confused with people and how think in today's society. Too many people are given excuses and ways out of their own responsibilities. In Milwaukee the news has been saturated by the Derek Williams case. Derek Williams, an attempted armed robber, was in the process of robbing a young UW-Milw Student when the Milwaukee Police showed up and chased Williams ending in his being put into (MPD) custody. Williams was handcuffed and put in the back of the police car. After being handcuffed and sat in the rear of the car, Williams began complaining he couldn't breath. Later investigation found Derek William was an asthmatic. Williams told the officers and asked for help multiple times. The officers refused resulting in Williams dying due to the police negligence.

Well, that's about it for me. That's where my position changes a tad. In having this conversation with people, I'm told I'm heartless, an Uncle Tom, sellout, etc. A reason being because I believe too much pity is going to Derek Williams and his death. I have no pity for Williams or his family other than he actually did die. With that said, Williams was a criminal, a thief and a menace to society. He died as a result of his own criminal activities.

Sure the officers were bogus for not letting him out of the squad car, but that's the game. They didn't know nor were in any position to truly believe he was telling the truth. Remember, he was a criminal caught in the act of committing a crime. Derek Williams was released from jail for the same crime earlier that same day. Really? When are we as a society going to stop defending people who blatantly break the law and commit crimes against us?

I went extreme when I spoke with my sisters about this case. My sisters, who both happen to have three sons each, like me. That's 9 young men ages 6-21 years old in our family. I say that to say, we as parents are responsible for those young men and how they behave and represent us as a family in the community. I told my sisters I blame Derek Williams and his mother. My opinionated problem with his mother is she has joined the bandwagon against the police and totally forgot her son died in the backseat of a police car "After" he was caught for attempting to rob someone after being released earlier that same day for the same criminal behavior.

There are issues and concerns people could form uproar against more necessary than Derek Williams. What about the 13-year old boy who was shot down by the older man who said he was he was threatened? What about the illegal strip searches being done by rouge MPD Officers?

I just feel in 2012, you are in a time in society where liberal bleeding hearts have nothing better to do than search for reasons to destroy and bring down government and established rules of order. This is why the Republican and Democratic Parties are useless today. Their agendas are self-serving. So-called Republicans can’t honestly say they are against “all” of President Obama’s Policies; nor can Democrats say they’re totally against everything Republican. If they do, they are lying. I’m not a fan of Milwaukee Police, but I do understand logic. The police aren’t the enemy all of the time. We can use their assistance some times. People, I beg you to find a more convincing example of injustice. Find someone who didn’t just get released from jail and who died while in the act of being re-arrested for committing the same crime later that day.

What about the 13-year old shot and murdered? We have our own “Trayvon Martin-like” tragedy, but nothings being focused on it. What about the illegal strip searches by Milwaukee Police? Come on people, wake the hell up! Should Chief Flynn be fired? I’m not sure. As I’ve said, I’m not a true MPD Fan, but things in Milwaukee can be much worse. I apologize if anyone is offended, but waving the banner of injustice behind the death of a predator of our community is wrong. It’s just dead wrong. Please find purpose and teach our children to be righteous upstanding citizens and add to the growth of our community and larger society. Advocates for Derek Williams will say his rights were taken from him. Well, what about the rights of law abiding citizens to walk the street without fear of a repeat offender robbing them? That’s my concern.

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

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