Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Get Well Daddy!!!"

For the past several months, you all have read my posts and FB Notes stating my untamed devotion to my family and more specifically, my father. Well, today my father has been hospitalized and will not be coming home tonight. He is currently under observation and we are unsure when he can return home.

I’m not sure, but I may end up pretty close to the bull’s eye when I say I think every child who loves his/her parents would love to take away their debt, pain, and uncertainty. My father always thinks he’s not achieved what he should have in this world. I hate that because he’s achieved plenty.  

The problem tends to be my family calling me a runner. They claim when we have major family distress, I runaway. Pretty crappy to say, I think. I don’t see it as running, but rather not wanting to deal with the bull crap. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"What 'Cha Doing???"

About to head home and chill with the family while watching the final season episode of “THE GAME” on BET. How awesome is that? Q.T. with the wife and little ones. 

DO you guys think I can talk him into looking down the barrel of a gun??? Just kidding, y'all!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

"El Dorado always on My Mind"

         I’m back at the office today, I feel drained. Not drained due to our trip, but drained due to returning from the trip. Here, we go again back to the grind. My wife and our children just returned from the most beautiful vacation weekend, I’ve ever been a part of. My family blessed me with returning to my hometown with me to see how I grew up. I thank them for the memories.

Lately, I’ve been feeling uncomfortable when I sleep and when I’m up, I feel sluggish and tired. Thoughts of El Dorado race through my mind. Returning home is always on my mind.

When I got to Calion, I was stoked. I was able to show and tell my family about things, which happened when I was growing up. I showed them the junior high school I attended. I showed them the high school. Everything and everywhere I could remember, I showed them about my hometown.

We stayed for about four days and at the trip’s end, my family turned on me and blamed me for having to return to Milwaukee. My children and my wife wanted to stay. WoW!!!

I never expected that one. The population of my town is currently 18k, which is down from 21k four years ago and nearly 30k about ten years ago. I never would have thought, my uppity family (smile) would want to live in the rural south. “THEY CALL ME COUNTRY!!!” I really guess these folks of mine are a trip!!! 

Friday, March 25, 2011

"My Demons"

When you wake in the morning with the sole intent to be a good person, demons awaken as well on missions to deter and alter your plans and focus.

I find it easier to fight fire with fire. I know what you’re thinking, but it’s a reactionary response. Call it primal or even a God given ability for self-preservation. These demons don’t fly around as shadows or have claws and blackened wings. Everyone has demons and they tend to enjoy the game of “Righteousness v. Wickedness”. Your demons may not be my demons and visa versa. Many of us claim to suffer from bad luck. In that ideology, someone is consistently falling into the worldly trappings of hopelessness and self-pity.

I’ve learned to acknowledge my demons. Not worship them, but acknowledge their existence. On my right arm, Laurent Marin tattooed a scene of three Japanese Gomi Demons attacking a lone Samurai. My interpretation of this is… “We all have demons that are constantly fixed on our destruction. Knowing this, we have to be in the battle mode at all times”.

My father has an ideology of Mind, Body, and Spirit. This encompasses all, which makes us human. These three words are weapons against our demons.

"My Demons"

When you wake in the morning with the sole intent to be a good person, demons awaken as well on missions to deter and alter your plans and focus.

I find it easier to fight fire with fire. I know what you’re thinking, but it’s a reactionary response. Call it primal or even a God given ability for self-preservation. These demons don’t fly around as shadows or have claws and blackened wings. Everyone has demons and they tend to enjoy the game of “Righteousness v. Wickedness”. Your demons may not be my demons and visa versa. Many of us claim to suffer from bad luck. In that ideology, someone is consistently falling into the worldly trappings of hopelessness and self-pity.

I’ve learned to acknowledge my demons. Not worship them, but acknowledge their existence. On my right arm, Laurent Marin tattooed a scene of three Japanese Gomi Demons attacking a lone Samurai. My interpretation of this is… “We all have demons that are constantly fixed on our destruction. Knowing this, we have to be in the battle mode at all times”.

My father has an ideology of Mind, Body, and Spirit. This encompasses all, which makes us human. These three words are weapons against our demons.

"My Demons"

When you wake in the morning with the sole intent to be a good person, demons awaken as well on missions to deter and alter your plans and focus.

I find it easier to fight fire with fire. I know what you’re thinking, but it’s a reactionary response. Call it primal or even a God given ability for self-preservation. These demons don’t fly around as shadows or have claws and blackened wings. Everyone has demons and they tend to enjoy the game of “Righteousness v. Wickedness”. Your demons may not be my demons and visa versa. Many of us claim to suffer from bad luck. In that ideology, someone is consistently falling into the worldly trappings of hopelessness and self-pity.

I’ve learned to acknowledge my demons. Not worship them, but acknowledge their existence. On my right arm, Laurent Marin tattooed a scene of three Japanese Gomi Demons attacking a lone Samurai. My interpretation of this is… “We all have demons that are constantly fixed on our destruction. Knowing this, we have to be in the battle mode at all times”.

My father has an ideology of Mind, Body, and Spirit. This encompasses all, which makes us human. These three words are weapons against our demons.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Back to the Grind"

         I’m back at the office today, I feel drained. Not drained due to our trip, but drained due to returning from the trip. Here, we go again back to the grind. My wife and our children just returned from the most beautiful vacation weekend, I’ve ever been a part of. My family blessed me with returning to my hometown with me to see how I grew up. I thank them for the memories.

Lately, I’ve been feeling uncomfortable when I sleep and when I’m up, I feel sluggish and tired. Thoughts of El Dorado race through my mind. Returning home is always on my mind.

When I got to Calion, I was stoked. I was able to show and tell my family about things, which happened when I was growing up. I showed them the junior high school I attended. I showed them the high school. Everything and everywhere I could remember, I showed them about my hometown.

We stayed for about four days and at the trip’s end, my family turned on me and blamed me for having to return to Milwaukee. My children and my wife wanted to stay. WoW!!!

I never expected that one. The population of my town is currently 18k, which is down from 21k four years ago and nearly 30k about ten years ago. I never would have thought, my uppity family (smile) would want to live in the rural south. “THEY CALL ME COUNTRY!!!” I really guess these folks of mine are a trip!!! 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Rest For the Drive"

I have one final struggle before we pull out for the trip. I need to get some rest. Unfortunately, I have to work today and won’t get off until 8:30 PM. The original plan was to leave right after work and jump on the highway. After talking with my mom, I’m going to come home and get some sleep so we can leave between Midnight and 3 AM. The plan would be to hit Chicago before the morning rush. I’m going to use the rest stops and gas stops to also catch some rest.

Having four children in a vehicle with you for 12-14 hours can be a tad mind rattling, but I’ll try to find things to occupy their restlessness. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Coming Down to the Wire"

My nerves are a wreck!!!
We are getting ready to hit the highway in a few days. “Shoot!” Tomorrow morning will register as being one day remaining. Daniela and the kids are pretty excited in the trip. I’m more nervous than excited. I’m hoping I don’t get my feeling crushed. You know, going down there and expecting more than El Dorado has to offer. We’ll be doing some video logging and taking many-many pictures, :)!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Gracie Barra and Me!!!"

I’m doing research right now on the governing body of the UFC. It’s crazy because there is very limited information on this topic. Zuffa and Dana White are very closed to their business practices and information. This leads me to a situation, which occurred last night at the NCGA in Waukesha. Two young and hungry teams gathered at Waukesha MMA to come face-to-face in the first round of team competition. Gracie Barra Wisconsin and Red Schafer MMA.

I had a huge vested interest in this match up. Gracie Barra Wisconsin is where I received ALL of promotions in Gracie Jiu Jitsu except the one, which gave me a Blue Belt (I received an offer to accept a Blue Belt, but I didn’t accept it). I met Dave Rosenmarkle and his amazing wife, Kelly, right as they were preparing to open their first Jiu Jitsu academy in Wisconsin. Originally, I’m from Arkansas. I was researching Jiu Jitsu academies in Arkansas and ran across, Professor Brian Davis. Prof. Davis is a Black Belt under Master Carlos Gracie. Wow!!! Can you believe it? In Arkansas!!! I emailed Prof. Davis who told me about a Jiu Jitsu academy in Kenosha being opened by one of his Brown Belts and close friends. Dude, Kenosha is 40-minutes south of me. “I’m on it!!!”

After emailing then calling one another several times, Dave and I connected. I drove down to Kenosha, somewhere I’ve NEVER been before to meet this Gracie Barra Brown Belt. When I met Dave, he and Kelly were in the basement of a downtown building full of boards, plaster, boxes, etc. We talked for about five minutes before I joined them cleaning up the area, which would soon become the home to Gracie Barra Kenosha (later Wisconsin). I trained with Dave and the GB Combat Team for nearly one year. It was great. Dave is a real friend. He and Kelly truly invited my family into their world and accepted us as their own.

Feeling the blast from the economic crunch and several life altering things occurring at once, I could not make it to Kenosha as regular and then not at all. One year pasted and I returned to GB Wisconsin (now) for a visit. Dave accepted me with open arms in front of the entire academy. Dave, knowing my financial burden and still believing in me, requested I return to the academy and just train. I tried it for a few weeks, but my transportation broke down on me and that was the end to that. I saw him at Combat Corner Vol.6 and attempted to speak to him, but I guess he was too busy. I don’t get the team text messages anymore or the invites to UFC Events, but it’s cool.

Today, I train at Red Schafer MMA with a group of super-cool guys and gals. Red was my first Jiu Jitsu coach when we were at Henry Matamoros Brazilian Jiu Jitsu School in Bay View. Red’s school is, literally, less than five minutes from my house. The school is growing and very promising. So when the two teams met this weekend, I felt compelled to go and represent my loyalties to both. I decided not to go. The end result was Red Schafer MMA dominating Gracie Barra winning all, but one match up.

The dynamic and amazing part of the night was Gracie Barra’s Rob Carbal. This guy is super-cool. Rob is a big boy, but moves well and has pretty good submissions. Rob was recently awarded his Blue Belt and even trained 8-weeks with the Fight Team to become a member of the GB Fight Team. Rob represented GB at the NCGA in the 265 Division. Rob drew a bad match up. He was matched up with Red Schafer himself. Red, a 205er, BJJ Black Belt (under Henry Matamoros and Pedro Sauer), and professional MMA fighter, caught Rob in a Triangle to win the divisional match up. The dynamic part is that Rob knew about Red and knew who he was facing and still showed up for the competition. He was nervous and may have been scared, but he showed up and he and faced the BJJ Black Belt.

I’ll always be part of the GB Family here in Wisconsin and I hope one day we can put what other people say on the table. “GB Wisconsin, watch who you confide in and befriend. And remember not to delete them from social network Friends Lists or you will be on their bad side as well.”       

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Not Feeling It!!!"

I'm totally not feeling being here tonight at work! I know I get off at 8:30 PM, but this is not cool!!!

I hope my young ones are on point tonight and have everything ready for school tomorrow. Ooops!!! no school tomorrow for them. WoW!!!!

"Wheels Keep On Turnin'...."

I was once given words of wisdom, which then created a secondary meaning through added wisdom. I was enlightened on the theory of “Motivation Wheels” or “Wheels of Motivation”. I graduated high school and enrolled in Southern Arkansas University. After three years of attending and pursuing a History major, I left school and moved to Milwaukee. Now, my motivation was attending school (college) and having a plan towards adulthood and independence. My wheel was picking up speed and motivating very aggressively. When I decided to leave school and move to Milwaukee, I slammed the brakes on my wheel and came to a slow creep.

When your wheel is motivating, it means you’re living life to its fullest. You have a purpose and goals to achieve and you’re doing everything in your ability to get them done. When your wheel slows down or even stops, it means the opposite. You aren’t moving and you’re life is stagnating and you’re very unfocused with little to no direction.

In my experience, I’ve found it the hardest to get a slowed wheel back moving let alone to its full speed or potential. My wheel of motivation stopped in the winter of 1991. I survived and made it to 1996 when I was able to begin picking up momentum and getting things rolling again. I hit a speed bump of sorts in 2009-2010, but landed on my feet and was given the opportunity to refocus and push forward.

I use ever moment and opportunity in my life now as opportunity to grow and add momentum to my wheel.

Stay focused and develop goals, which allow you not only to succeed, but that allow you access to grow and build. 

"Darned Air Travel"

 “Darn air travel!!!” I thought I was going to Southeast Texas and got slammed in the face. I wanted to visit my aunt and uncle on the Gulf, but the air travel rates are ridiculous. I was initially disappointed, but reality set in. After, I called my uncle and he told me not to stress it, I was a tad more at ease. The alternative plan is to go to Arkansas and visit home (El Dorado) and chill there while getting a little R-N-R with the better half.

I haven’t been on vacation or anything near to looking like a vacation in over 2-years. I haven’t been back to the Natural State in over 5-years or more. I wonder what it’s going to be like? What’s there? Has anything changed? What does my house look like?

I have twisted expectations on going to El Dorado. In the distant rear of my mind, I have a fading desire; I’ll be welcomed home with open arms and opportunity. This would be the trip to kick start my second half…of my life. A beautiful opportunity to escape the Walkerisms of Wisconsin’s political machine. I could step up to the head of our family table and rebuild the dream of Andrew and Hattie, Ray and Sherry, and the idea of managing our very own piece of the planet, four generations old.

The dust settles and the dream clouds fade away leaving reality steadily in my sight. WHOA!!! I would have an opportunity to go home and visit family and friends. I can take Daniela to the places I talk about to give her a vision of my past and upbringing. This is going to be cool.

Many of my family and friends laugh at me because I come off like those expectations I spoke of earlier are real. I know it’s a fantasy and dream. I know I’m too darned old to fantasize, but it takes me to a better place in my mind, body, and spirit. Daniela is wonderful. She’s down to do whatever I want to on this trip. Fly down or drive down. Stay in El Dorado or hit El Dorado and then come back north to hit Batesville. Whatever I want to do, she’s fully committed to ride shotgun with me.

I need to get it right and stick to a scheduled plan. ;(

Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Fathers and Sons"

Tonight, we went on deliveries for N’kya and her Girl Scout Cookie Mission. Daniela, N’kya, Naim and I drove to several houses to deliver the few boxes and collect the money for them. We ended up at my parent’s home and while, Daniela watched “Basketball Wives” with my mother and sisters, I shaved my father’s beard and mustache.  

Shaving my father has been a sort of newly started tradition in the making. Due to his being blind and his current physical limitations, I go over to their (my parents) house and trim his facial hair. I guess, I do it to express my love and respect for him and to attempt to pay him back for everything he’s sacrificed for me and my sisters as a parent and provider.

I love you, old dude!!!

24 Years and Counting

This year, November 11th, will mark the 24th year anniversary of my father being shot in the line of duty as a police officer in El Dorado, AR. As the child of an officer wounded in the line of duty and nearly loosing my father due to his injuries, I was pulled back into emotional shock, which I felt on that dreaded night we received the news he had been shot. Each time, I hear of a police officer being wounded or killed, I feel this way.

A Milwaukee Police Officer and owner of a local café quaintly called “500 Café”, died and his establishment was set on fire. The Rumor Mill has begun and it’s running fast. He was shot, he died in the fire, this, that, whatever!! All I know is another person who served the community is gone leaving his family to pick up the rumble (no pun intended). What has me upset the most is that as we drove past the crime scene, my children saw the words written on the building and his door to his upstairs apartment from the café. The words read, “F*CK YOU COP.”

It amazes me that people would really do this or even accept this in their neighborhood. To broadcast your ignorance and disrespect for a person who was dedicated to the community and a businessman. The police badge is a symbol of authority and respect. Those who did this have shown their lack of civil cause. I pray for the officer’s family and hope a swift and arrest to get the answers of this tragedy.        

Sunday w/ The Family

Good afternoon all!!! I apologize for not posting yesterday. I was ultra-busy! Today though, Daniela (my wife) and I took the children to the Auto Show Downtown. It was super. It was very crowded and there were many many people steadily coming in.

We saw many new vehicles and brands. The children enjoyed themselves and I was very irritated with the crowd. All in all, it was a good family outing.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Civil Rights Leader and The Girl Scout

Today was a very hectic and reforming day for me. I went to drop my son (Nile) and daughter (N’kya) off at school this morning. They attend Highland Montessori Community School here in Milwaukee. The school is located on 12th Highland directly off the Highway exit before the Marquette Enter-change. Nearly 20-minutes after dropping them off, I received a phone call from the school. It was Ms. Jamie. She said, N’kya needed to talk with me. When N’kya got onto the phone, she sounded a tad disturbed. Now, you all know what happens when my baby is concerned!

Apparently, some of her classmates were told (by N’kya herself) the Girl Scout Cookies would arrive to the school by this Friday (today) and when they didn’t this created a problem. Some of the classmates paid for their cookies and have waited for weeks now. N’kya was upset and concerned that her fellow classmates would treat her in, what she called, a rough manner. All my plans for the day were then altered. It was all about easing my baby-girls distress.

My wife (Daniela) and I, along with Nasir and his friend Naji’juan from his school, went to pick up the cookies from the Girl Scout Regional Office. Once we turned in the money and picked up the cookies, we headed to Highland to get these sugar-deprived classmates their cookies. When we reached the school, N’kya and Ms. Dena were out there waiting. I wasn’t satisfied!!! Daniela and Ms. Dena began organizing the cookies so I ran into the building because it had to be known that my baby-girl did what she said she was going to do!

When I entered the hallway, I saw Mr. Barry and Mr. Brandon standing with cameras. I saw there were adults in the classroom and the children with oddly calm. This is something very “Not” the norm in Ms. Jean’s Class. Ms. Kim and Mr. Brian came walking towards the class and she said, “Jesse Jackson is coming today!!” Jesse Jackson? Did she mean, “Run Jesse Run” Rev. Jesse Jackson? My thoughts were not on Jesse Jackson or the Operation PUSH. It was on my baby-girl!!

I walked out of the building and right into the caravan bringing
Rev. Jackson to the school. When I got to the street, a young man in the lead car asked if this was Sara Scott. I told him this is where he was going and continued to my car. Just as I opened my car door, I yelled to N’kya, “Kya!! I’m totally not satisfied how you handled this cookie delivery!!” I said this just as Rev. Jackson walked by our car. Daniela, a lifelong Democrat, was in awe and smiling at him as he waved to her and spoke. I on the other hand, who’s not a Democrat, saw him and continued into the car. As we pulled off and turned the corner, I told my wife, “THAT WAS JESSE!!!!!!” Over 38-years ago, my parents and I lived in Chicago and received furniture from Jesse Jackson’s Operation PUSH. Thanks, Rev. Jackson. It amazes me how politics take a backseat to fame and celebrity. It was cool seeing the children at Highland got the opportunity to share time with a living civil rights leader.    

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Exodus Back to the South

During the 1940’s to the early 1960’s, Blacks from America’s southern states migrated to the larger and more industrial northern cities. This was due to lack of employment after slavery was abolished in the American south. Large industrial companies needed workers and color was not in the equation of getting the job done. Only in mixing socially and away from the work sites. During that time many Blacks prospered; working at places such as, A.O. Smith, Briggs and Stratton, etc. There tends to be a joke circulating in the Black community, which states a man, could quit one job in the morning and have another by the end of lunchtime.

My father worked at A.O.Smith after returning from Vietnam in the late 1960’s and worked there for six years. My mother says it was a rough although the money was good sometimes; lay offs and threats of the company moving loomed overhead. In the 1980’s during the Regan Era, companies became less available to hire. Lay offs, shut downs, and eventually closings of companies spun many communities across America into a tailspin. Compound that with the influx of drugs and alcohol in the more impoverished communities and you have an epidemic. By that time, my father had secured employment with the Milwaukee Police Department and saw an opportunity for change. While on vacation in 1983, my father interviewed for and secured a position with the El Dorado Police Department in southern Arkansas.

Leaving Milwaukee and the busy streets and hustle and bustle of a large city was a tough decision, but my father believed it to be a necessary one. With three children and a wife, my father felt opportunities to raise his children in a relax environment would only be possible in the south. So, he returned.

On a telephone interview with my mother (Sherry Matthews), I learned some things, which lead to my mother not wanting to ever return to the south.

Q: What did you think moving to the south would be like in 1983?

A: I thought it would be nice living in a small town and I thought the cost of living would be a lot cheaper than being here in Milwaukee.

Q: What did you not like about it?

A: It was boring!! There was no culture or outlets to see or study African-American culture. If you wanted to do anything, you would have to go out of town. And many of the people were on a different thinking process than I was.

Now with the current happenings in Wisconsin and Milwaukee County, I’ve had thoughts of leaving and returning to the home my family has in El Dorado, Arkansas or even to Texas where we have family. My current concerns are for my family to grow and live in comfort and peace. I do fear wanting to go south and not being able to secure employment that would sustain my family in comfort.

I thought of the possibly to secure primary employment with some entity and work a secondary job for supplementary income. Initially, I thought about working for the El Dorado Police Department (EPD) and at Southern Arkansas Community College (SACC). The logic behind these two employers would be simple. If I worked with the EPD, I could work second or third shift. This would free up my mornings and allow me to work a second job during the daytime. Working at SACC in the administration office or even as an adjunct instructor would fit my experience and education well. What’s horrible for the possibility of our actually moving there is the cost of living is parallel to Milwaukee, but the salaries are much lower. So, my returning home to the town, which raised me, seems even that much further to consciously make reality.

An alternative would be to target going to Texas. My family there live in Houston and a little south of Houston in a town called Texas City not far from Galveston Island. Texas is beautiful!!! My wife and I both agree we can totally live in southeast Texas. It was a trip to Texas when I began thinking about the number of Blacks who are, now, moving back to or to the south from larger northern cities. My current dilemma is a double edged one. For starters, my parents are here in Milwaukee and not in the best of health. My father would want to follow us, but my mother has had her last of southern living, I believe. Second, it’s hard to find employment when you are not living in the area at the time. I think the prospective employer wants to see the person they’re to hire and interact with him/her face-to-face.

Recently, she and I decided to go on a weekend trip to either El Dorado or Houston. We’re going to use the trip as a get-a-way!!!

The overall idea to leave the north and return south isn’t at all about north or south. This transition is about opportunity and stability for one’s family. I guess if the moon had a colony and jobs were being offered, I’d start looking for 3-Bedroom Townhouses up there! As a young pre-teen, I never understood why my father moved from Milwaukee. Now as an adult, a father and a husband, I understand his motives and respect them. He did what he thought was in the best interest of his family. Oh, he also missed being home. I guess this is the feeling I get when I hear Gladys Knight’s song “Midnight Train to Georgia” and I start feeling like a lovesick puppy. Oh, I’m in love, but every now and then, I want to jump up and go home.


Diabetes Control

I’ve been a Diabetic for the past seven-to-ten years. It’s been very hectic and at times scary. I grew up watching my mother deal with it and then later my father was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Some people believe you can catch Diabetes like you’d catch a cold. This isn’t true. In my case, I had a higher probability to have it because of multiple reasons.

1.     Over weight
2.     Both parents are Diabetic
3.     Three of four grandparents are Diabetic
4.     Lack of physical activity
5.     High stress in career environment and personal life

Currently, I eat healthier and am physically active through martial arts (Gracie Jiu Jitsu) and cardio-conditioning. I have a new great doctor and have begun on new meds while watching my blood count (or as older Black folks say, “My Sugar!!” Everything’s a day-by-day process. So far, it’s going well! 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"I Got You...Don't Worry!!"

How many times have you heard someone say to you, “I got you, don’t worry.” This is so funny to me because I’ve said it to others myself. I guess when I said it, the idea was to set a level of emotional comfort to that person. I truly thought at that time, I “REALLY” meant what I was saying, but recently, I’ve started to think that statement is only cliché!!

When I was going through my dire straights for nearly a year, I had everyone coming to me saying, I didn’t have to worry, they’d find me a job or get me in somewhere.  Hey, I’m not being a spoiled heart, but it seemed as though no one wanted to really be around me at that time. Maybe, they thought I was depressed and on the verge of having a nervous breakdown, I don’t know. I heard it and realized I was the driver of my own future and destiny. I needed to first humble myself and do whatever I needed to do to bring in the money. Although, you maybe educated and full of experience the bottom line is who do you know and “Do they have YOU”.

I still have more humbling to learn, but kissing tail isn’t on the Matthews Menu.  

"Like Father, Like Son..."

My father made a decision when I was 12-yrs old, which changed the course of my future as a man. He saved my life and gave me a clean slate of opportunity. I find myself in the same shoes he wore and having the same issues and concerns. I guess when you’re a father, it becomes natural to focus on what’s best for the family rather than yourself.

"Thanks, old man!"

Proesting from Madison to Milwaukee

Protesters on the corner of Oakland and Locust yesterday on Milwaukee's East Side. All four courners were full of protesters expressing their dislike of our governor's recent actions in Madison. There were also pockets of protesting throuhout the city.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Smiling, Just A Little"

My truck was put in the shop a few hours ago. I thought the wheels were going to pop from the back and cause some very serious damage and injury. My mechanic called and said it was something he fixed and there would be “No Charge” for the labor or parts. How amazing is that? When was the last time you heard someone tell you they’ll do something for you for free?

I guess the Sun really does shine on a dogs ass every now and then!!

Politically Angry!!

Good Morning Everyone!!!

Well, here we go again in Milwaukee County and City of Milwaukee Government. “I am terrified!!!!”

I’m terrified, not for my individual safety, but for our collective future as a community. Contrary to some of your beliefs, we are all in the same mixing pot. What affects one group will in turn affect us all.

As I woke this morning and saw the chaos occurring on television, I was amazed to realize it was real. It was really happening. Teachers and school administrators are boycotting Governor Scott Walker and not attending to their classes once again today. Wow!!! This is getting to become a powder keg about to implode on the entire state of Wisconsin.

What’s going on with the County Board? Who is doing what…exactly? What is the true benefit of supporting the board today?

I live in a community (chosen by my wife) with many problems, but a community I feel has major potential to come back to life once the spark creates the flame of change. I reside in what’s known as “The Bronzeville Neighborhood” in Milwaukee. I’m located on 6th Center Street right on the Freeway. My wife and I own a split-level duplex, which we had renovated several years ago. We live here with our four babies and my mother-in-law. It’s not as bad as one would think. “So, what’s the problem?” Well, the problem is a lack of strong representation in our political voices.

Jesse “The Body” Ventura, former Governor of Minnesota stated, “Political office is not a job, it’s a duty. Once you have served your term, you should step down and pass the torch to the next for he/she to serve the community as you did.” I believe if you are in an office or a seat and you are sitting comfortable, you need to rethink why you’re there.

Are you in office for the money?
Are you truly attempting to create positive change?
Do you propose legislation?
Do you vote independently on tough issues no matter how your counterparts feel about your decision?
Do you do doors?
Do you post a newsletter for your constituents?  
What is your platform?

As voters, I believe we have the power to put people in seats of county government who have our best interests at heart. In my community (neighborhood) we have strong city representation in Alderwoman Milele Coggs. I see her, I hear from her office, and I even get monthly community activities and “What’s Going On” notices. I guess as a voter, I appreciate the idea that our political voices respect us enough to acknowledge us throughout their terms. Not just around election time.

As voters, we must know what we find important in our communities and neighborhoods and learn how to use those in office to assist us with changing our communities and neighborhoods. I’m a fan of the television series/documentary “Brick City”, which is about living in Newark, New Jersey. The Mayor, Cory Booker (Google him), who faces major opposition, stated, “I would rather be sunk at sea, then rot in the harbor!” WHOA!! Very powerful statement!!!

Many in office are content with simply being in office and don’t feel the fire underneath them to get off of their behinds and get to work. Let’s get to work.

You all know I’m from Arkansas. I say it as many times I each day, but I really do love Milwaukee. Milwaukee gave me my youth and this is where my grandmother is laid to rest. I found my soul mate and all four of our babies were born here. I thank Milwaukee for that. Now those same babies aren’t allowed to play outside because of the crime and effects of this being a drug community. Employment opportunities are very slim and it doesn’t seem to be getting better.