Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Politically Angry!!

Good Morning Everyone!!!

Well, here we go again in Milwaukee County and City of Milwaukee Government. “I am terrified!!!!”

I’m terrified, not for my individual safety, but for our collective future as a community. Contrary to some of your beliefs, we are all in the same mixing pot. What affects one group will in turn affect us all.

As I woke this morning and saw the chaos occurring on television, I was amazed to realize it was real. It was really happening. Teachers and school administrators are boycotting Governor Scott Walker and not attending to their classes once again today. Wow!!! This is getting to become a powder keg about to implode on the entire state of Wisconsin.

What’s going on with the County Board? Who is doing what…exactly? What is the true benefit of supporting the board today?

I live in a community (chosen by my wife) with many problems, but a community I feel has major potential to come back to life once the spark creates the flame of change. I reside in what’s known as “The Bronzeville Neighborhood” in Milwaukee. I’m located on 6th Center Street right on the Freeway. My wife and I own a split-level duplex, which we had renovated several years ago. We live here with our four babies and my mother-in-law. It’s not as bad as one would think. “So, what’s the problem?” Well, the problem is a lack of strong representation in our political voices.

Jesse “The Body” Ventura, former Governor of Minnesota stated, “Political office is not a job, it’s a duty. Once you have served your term, you should step down and pass the torch to the next for he/she to serve the community as you did.” I believe if you are in an office or a seat and you are sitting comfortable, you need to rethink why you’re there.

Are you in office for the money?
Are you truly attempting to create positive change?
Do you propose legislation?
Do you vote independently on tough issues no matter how your counterparts feel about your decision?
Do you do doors?
Do you post a newsletter for your constituents?  
What is your platform?

As voters, I believe we have the power to put people in seats of county government who have our best interests at heart. In my community (neighborhood) we have strong city representation in Alderwoman Milele Coggs. I see her, I hear from her office, and I even get monthly community activities and “What’s Going On” notices. I guess as a voter, I appreciate the idea that our political voices respect us enough to acknowledge us throughout their terms. Not just around election time.

As voters, we must know what we find important in our communities and neighborhoods and learn how to use those in office to assist us with changing our communities and neighborhoods. I’m a fan of the television series/documentary “Brick City”, which is about living in Newark, New Jersey. The Mayor, Cory Booker (Google him), who faces major opposition, stated, “I would rather be sunk at sea, then rot in the harbor!” WHOA!! Very powerful statement!!!

Many in office are content with simply being in office and don’t feel the fire underneath them to get off of their behinds and get to work. Let’s get to work.

You all know I’m from Arkansas. I say it as many times I each day, but I really do love Milwaukee. Milwaukee gave me my youth and this is where my grandmother is laid to rest. I found my soul mate and all four of our babies were born here. I thank Milwaukee for that. Now those same babies aren’t allowed to play outside because of the crime and effects of this being a drug community. Employment opportunities are very slim and it doesn’t seem to be getting better.


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