Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Wheels Keep On Turnin'...."

I was once given words of wisdom, which then created a secondary meaning through added wisdom. I was enlightened on the theory of “Motivation Wheels” or “Wheels of Motivation”. I graduated high school and enrolled in Southern Arkansas University. After three years of attending and pursuing a History major, I left school and moved to Milwaukee. Now, my motivation was attending school (college) and having a plan towards adulthood and independence. My wheel was picking up speed and motivating very aggressively. When I decided to leave school and move to Milwaukee, I slammed the brakes on my wheel and came to a slow creep.

When your wheel is motivating, it means you’re living life to its fullest. You have a purpose and goals to achieve and you’re doing everything in your ability to get them done. When your wheel slows down or even stops, it means the opposite. You aren’t moving and you’re life is stagnating and you’re very unfocused with little to no direction.

In my experience, I’ve found it the hardest to get a slowed wheel back moving let alone to its full speed or potential. My wheel of motivation stopped in the winter of 1991. I survived and made it to 1996 when I was able to begin picking up momentum and getting things rolling again. I hit a speed bump of sorts in 2009-2010, but landed on my feet and was given the opportunity to refocus and push forward.

I use ever moment and opportunity in my life now as opportunity to grow and add momentum to my wheel.

Stay focused and develop goals, which allow you not only to succeed, but that allow you access to grow and build. 

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