Thursday, December 27, 2012


There I stood, staring into her eyes.
Standing on that concrete porchwith no roof, looking into her eyes.
Lost in Daniela’s beautifulBrown eyes.
Why she was nervous?
She, moving back-and-forth, andrubbing her hands together as her white teeth clenched down on the left side ofher lower lip.
Her long dark silky hair pulledback in a convenient ponytail.
Her bright complexion, smoothand delicious and those soothing eyes hypnotized me.

Traffic moving up and down thestreet while neighborhood kids ride bicycles on the sidewalk,
The smell of barb-a-que saucefloats from the backyard across the street.

Daniela’s eyes, those softBrown eyes watered nervously.
I reached down for her wrists.
Holding her wrists, I wiggleddown to her hands.
Holding her soft hands, Iasked, “What’s wrong, baby?”
She closed those beautifulBrown eyes.
So nervous. So uncertain.
What could it be?
Daniela opened her eyes andsaid, “I’m pregnant.”

The four faces of myforefathers appeared…

My forefathers, fourgenerations of men; man-child, pillars to our foundation.
Standing in front of me.  
Judgment Day as a man… as ahusband…as a provider…as a father.
I created,
God did.
Daniela, my Earth.
Nature/ Nurture my seed fromknowledge to born,
Give birth to my resurrection,
Give my resurrection my name.
Flesh of my flesh, he will beblood of my blood.
Kindred to our forefathersacross the sands of time.
Footprints across time.
Time calculated by quantumdisparities rippled through that path in time.
My son, it is your time.

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