Monday, December 24, 2012


You're likened to a Diamond...

Strong & solid,
Firm & untampered with,
Meant to be,
Determined through growing over time...
time created experiences showing you what could be,
What you are destined to shine above,
Not to be held in constraints,
You reflect the Suns shine with no constraints,
Reflect my shine with no constraints.

When the Sun shines you reflect that shine to the stars like the Moon to the stars,
Our stars,
Five understandings, Five resurrections,
You & I,
We are destined to shine above all with no constraints.

Never let let them cut you. Never let me manipulate your shape or take away from your nature as mother of civilization & all creation.
From you everything is born,
Growing healthy & strong,
Resurrections resurrect from the flames, which brought you from there to here,
Now you can reflect my shine,
Reflect my shine,
One day you'll be mine,
My queen,
Reflect my shine...


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