Thursday, September 22, 2011

High School Blues...

This morning, I sat with my wife and our oldest son, Nasir, talking about his quest to find a high school for next year. Earlier this year after we went to El Dorado for a visit, I’d started thinking about relocating our family there. Nasir is in the 8th Grade. Nasir made Daniela (his mother) and I a deal. Nasir said if we hadn’t moved by the time his 9th Grade year began, he would want us to stay in Milwaukee until he graduated high school in 2016. His idea is not to switch or attend multiple schools. Nasir wants to spend his entire high school career at one school.

Although, Nasir is our child and we are the adults, Daniela and I respect his voice and his opinion on his own future. As much as I want to relocate and start a new chapter in our family, I must respect their individualisms and ideas. Everyone else wants to move and start a new.

I wonder if it’s even worth trying to relocate…

…I feel so stagnate and frozen in growth and time.

I would rather stop our desire to move than to jeopardize his academic interests and motivations.  

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I Made A Change...

This morning at 3:03 A.M., I made a huge change in my writing project Pine Hill Road Diaries. Instead of writing several novellas, I’ve chosen to writing one novel and I have combined “Left For Dead” and “B-Boys R Us” into one project called Pine Hill Road Diaries. For me, this is huge!

I’m proud of myself and focused on getting this on project on point. Let’s see how it turns out!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

I Want My iPhone Back...

For the record, I need it to be known, “I miss my iPhone 4!” It was the toughest day in my mobile device experience when I switched from AT&T to my current provider. I knew it would be different, but a month without my iPhone has caused me to consider switching may have been a horrible mistake.

Currently, I am with U.S. Cellular and I use the Android Desire. It is nothing close to the iPhone, let alone the iPhone 4. Physically, the Desire feels cheaper and less durable. I am used to my iPhone 4 while in it’s hard shell cover. And it looks better anyway.

The Applications for the iPhone are totally more awesome and easier to download. They’re user friendly. Also, with the Applications, I could multitask, but not with this android system. The visuals are clumpy and stiff; whereas, iPhone Apps are smooth and free flowing. I miss that, a lot.

The reason I dropped my phone was not the phone itself. I left AT&T and loosing my iPhone 4 was just collateral damage. AT&T has to be the most expensive cellular company on the planet. Really, I hate them so much. It was truly needed and sacrificing my iPhone to escape the company was a must. Android phones are so over rated. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The iPhone is coming to US Cellular!

The iPhone is coming to US Cellular!

Exciting News...

Me and My Baby-girl

“Like father like daughter!!” Yeah, that’s the new saying I’m using. My baby-girl has upped the stakes again. At 10-yrs old, N’kya has raised the bar for me to reach. Everyone knows I finished my first manuscript and currently working on my second; all while writing a collection of short stories for a third writing project. This little girl has written a children’s short book. “AND IT’S VERY GOOD!!!!”

N’kya is her class president and the editor for her school paper and now she’s written a short book. I’ll use my editor and connections to publish this for her. We need to find an artist to draw the characters and set up the layout. I’m so excited about it.

My Writing Projects

I took off this past week from working on any of my writing projects, but this N’kya thing has sparked my writing bug again. “Thanks, baby!” I have to start on chapter five of my manuscript and finish the first short story for the short story project I’m working on.

I’ll keep you posted on everything…     

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Earlier Morning or Late Night...

It’s 2:03 AM and I’m trapped in the realm of restlessness. I’m not sure if it’s late night or earlier in the morning. Either way, I’m trapped in not being able to fall asleep. I’m lying next to my wife who’s fast to sleep. Well, Law and Order just came on. I guess I can get into that and possibly fall asleep.

While flipping through the channels, I noticed a lot of sports and politics are on. That’s what it’s come to, huh? Sports and politics! Kind of sounds like Rome and the era of Arena Games.

Damn! My shoulder is killing me. I can feel the tendons ache. Every way I turn my body, I’m forced to cuddle my shoulder. When I move my arm, I can hear the crunching in the shoulder. My family says it sounds nasty. I’ll let them touch my shoulder then I’ll move my arm around so they can feel the popping and jerking in the joints.

I’m nearly finished with my first short story for the Under My Skin project. The short story is called “Bigga Than Life.” It’s a horror story about a mystical pond and fairies. Hey, just go with it until you read it. I think it’s interesting. I think you may as well. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

I AM A Patriot...

This weekend, we here in the United States remembered the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. On September 9th, 2001, a terrorist group from the Middle East attacked the United States. Over 3,000 Americans died that day. It was the single most devastating attack on the United States by any foreign entity. Since then, the United States entered the theater in the Middle East and is still waging war in two separate military campaigns.

Last night, my family was torn down the middle pertaining to, which steps would be more effective in winning and ending the wars in the Middle East. It turned into a religious, political, and ethical division with my wife, Daniela and son, Nasir on one side against my son, Nile and I on the other. My wife said I was influencing my sons to believe the war had religious foundations and reasoning. She and Nasir said it was “evil” to lump all from the Middle East together as terrorists. They believe in the idea that the attacks on 9/11 were politically based rather than religious.

Nile and I made a simple short statement, which caused confusion and seemingly “disrespectful” ideologies. We said, “Kill’em all, let God sort’em out!” This didn’t go over too well with the wife and other children. I told them I’m an advocate of peace. They asked how when I made that statement. I’ll explain to you as I did them.

“I’ve talked friends into joining the military and I support the war efforts. On 9/11, I realized with everything African-Americans have dealt with here in our country, it still is our country. Nowhere in history, since America was born, has any foreign government or entity had the “BALLS” to strike at us on our court. Of those 3,000 and more that perished in the flames and collapse of the World Trade Center, the crash at the Pentagon, and the crash of the forth plane that was high-jacked, I never felt as part of United States as I did that day. This is home! I know nothing about Africa, Ireland, or the Native Plains. I’m a Country/B-Boy from El Dorado, Arkansas byway of 25th Burleigh Street in Milwaukee, WI.”

I have friends who are Islamic and who have been since birth. Others have converted to Islam. The religious aspect isn’t a factor to me. I think the same about African-American youth who are terrorists in our/their own communities here in the United States. For this, I have been dubbed an Uncle Tom, Sellout, Traitor, and worse.

I’m an American through and through. My family helped build this nation and defend it and it’s principals. My children were born and are being raised here. America is their homeland. Believe what you wish to believe, that is your right as an American, but also support and protect the democratic foundation our framers set in place so you could speak and believe as you wish.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

You Grown Now...

Today, I watched my friend, Laurent Marin tattoo my nephew, which was his first “legal” tattoo. Laurent had to correct an earlier tattoo, De Angelo got from an unauthorized tattoo shop. The first tattoo was super-wacky! I guess De Angelo got the first tattoo just to say he has one. After harassing me for months, I went ahead and talked to Laurent about doing it. At the time, 
De Angelo was only 17-yrs old and would be 18-yrs old a week later. In Milwaukee, WI to get tattooed, you have to be 18-yrs old.

Today, I received a text from my nephew Alex, which read, “Unc, Dee getting his tat…Dude is bout to cry…” I threw on my clothes and sped to the tattoo shop, which is only a few blocks from my house. I couldn't miss this, =D!!! When I got there, De Angelo was still in Laurent’s chair getting his tattoo. De Angelo’s first tattoo was fully covered with a nice cross. Laurent then thickened the lines of the text written by the first artist. He made it stand out more.

Although, I was totally against De Angelo getting tattooed, I must say he was right correcting and getting the cover ups. It’s said, “Cheap tattoos are bad tattoos and most bad tattoos are cheap tattoos.” The ink will be on your body forever. Why not pay for the art you desire? Too many young men and women (even younger sometimes) are getting thee horrid tattoos and making their bodies look ugly. My advice is to go see a “real” artist at a “real” shop. Stop going to people’s houses or basements. If you don’t see sterilization equipment or licenses hanging up, hit the door and run!!!

I stick to a few artists. I trust them with my life as I do my skin. We have grown as friends and they have done me well.

Lane Turowski is @:
Laurent Marin is @: www.adambombgalleriescom

The Words Are Leaking From My Pen...

Last week, I suffered from a case of mental brain lock and couldn’t come up with any ideas to write about. Even though I had outlines and idea sheets, my mind wouldn’t transfer thoughts to paper. Well, that’s over right now. I’m flowing well with my novel project “B-Boys R Us” and my short story “Bigga Than Life.”

I thought it would be difficult to write multiple projects at the same time, but it’s not as trying as one would think. My secret is simple. When working on a project, I focus and stick to the idea and plan of that project. When it gets difficult and thoughts don’t flow as well, I just switch to the next or other project. If I get an idea then, I write it down and continue writing.

The flow of writing for me has smoothed out and has become less stressful…right now! 

9/11: 10 Years After...

This weekend we’ve been hearing and watching news topics about the horror, which occurred ten years ago on September 11th. The United States was attacked here on our homeland by a radical terrorist organization. These attacks would and have changed the ideals of our freedoms and security forever.

I ask for you all to think about those who fell that day and the soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice and their families.

These times and situations always bring up the patriotism in me. I’m proud to be an American. For those who don’t agree, you are totally welcome to pack your crap and go somewhere you’d like.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rough Memories...

Tonight I worked on a chapter for “B-Boys R Us” and had a time getting through it. It was an important time in my life and a few super-important things occurred during that time. One issue was when I cheated on my girlfriend. It was horrible. I felt horrible. Writing about things, which occurred during your childhood brings back memories; some good and some very bad.

That’s one of the greatest challenges of writing I suffer through. I’m one of those people who dump every ounce of myself into whatever it is I do. I think I’m a very passionate person and I hope you can tell that through my writing. This project is serving as a therapeutic outlet for me as well as a possible financial opportunity through art.

I intend to write these projects in hopes to give my children an insight to who I currently am and what type of person I was at that time. I hope they understand that. I also hope my friends who I write about aren't angry with me because I discuss times when we weren't always on the right path. 

Let’s see where this takes us! 

Will We Get There...

Last week, I received a letter in the mail from Southern Arkansas Community College telling me I didn’t get the job, which I applied for a few months back. The job was pretty standard. It would’ve been perfect towards getting me back to El Dorado and starting a new chapter in my life with my family. The kids enjoyed the idea of moving and even Daniela was pretty stoked about it.

Being in Arkansas (El Dorado) has many opportunities for us if we were to move there. The biggest would’ve been to have my children in an environment where, I could let them grow without the fears and cautions I currently have for them living in Milwaukee. I understand and accept the idea of there being dangers everywhere, but living here in Milwaukee, with a population of over 600,000 brings those fears and cautions to my front steps. El Dorado has a current population of 18,000-to-20,000. The jobs and employment ratios are suffering in the area. I thought with my education and experience, I’d be an ideal candidate to secure employment there.

For the children, El Dorado has a pretty okay school system. The structure of attendance would go as follows:

Nasir (9th Grade) El Dorado High School
Nile (7th Grade) Barton Jr. High School
N’kya (6th Grade) Hugh Goodwin Elementary School
Naim (1st Grade) Hugh Goodwin Elementary School

Also, with the El Dorado Promise, it would be very helpful to us financially towards the children’s educations.

I think a lot about moving and being home (El Dorado) with my family. I think what it would be like and how we’d fix up the land with a new house on it; just enjoy each other’s company. When I think of home everything is simpler. We don’t have the chaos and drama Milwaukee brings. Being there would allow my wife to relax and focus more on her rather than things that make us no never-mind.

Until I find that path home or at least a job there to sustain our way of living. Our family culture can be cultivated and prepare us for getting there one of these days sooner or later. We can prepare for another family trip to El Dorado to continue the vibe and enjoy our friends and family down there.   

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Brainstorming Lacking....

Tonight I’m at home chilling as I watch the ghetto classic “New Jack City” with Ice T and Wesley Snipes. When this came out, it was cracking! Now as I watch it so many years later, it’s pretty cheesy.

Tomorrow is a pretty chill day for me. I’ll go into the gym and train before going to work. I know, I’m trying to get into the gym as much as possible before my surgery. I’m having some brainstorming issues with this current chapter in my current manuscript, “B-Boys R US” and I need some help to pump through it. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Latest Update on My Projects...

I recently completed my first ever manuscript. Amazing!!! I never thought I would have the rebirth of my passion to write explode from the grave it had rested in for so many years. Pine Hill Road Diaries is a project I've decided to write about a very important time in my and my family's lives. It will be multiple projects under the same title. The first is "Left For Dead." This project is based on the events surrounding my father's being shot in El Dorado, Arkansas. The project is completed and sitting on the shelf right now.

The second manuscript is currently being written. It's called "B-Boys R Us" and it's a continuation to "Left For Dead." It's based on after the shooting and my returning to Milwaukee while my parents go through rehab in El Dorado.

There are several others being planned out right now and the first three will be published early in the new year (2012). I'm also working on a short story project called "Under My Skin," which will be 4-to-6 short stories based on a new horror-style of writing.

I have an editor I believe in and who believes in me. That's a great start. Everything will develop well and I am requesting the assistance of my number one fan and supporter to lead the projects promotion and marketing strategies.

I'll keep you al posted.


"Spending Time w/ My Wife"

Today, I found out I didn't have to be at work until later in the day. The wife and I are collaborating on my second writing project. She's very helpful and a great proofreader. It's that type of support I needed to push through my writer's block.

Friday, September 2, 2011

"Too Young To Fall In Love"

One of my all time favorite Metal Bands, Motley Crew, had a song called "Too Young To Fall In Love" in the late 80's (I think it was the 80's). I've been seeing a trend in the youth of today pertianing to relationships and claiming to be in love. "HAAA-FUEY!" This note is to those young gunners and ladies who gamble everything on the farm that they are in love. I'm sorry that I'm the one having to tell you this....what you're experiencing isn't love.

Talk it from a true romantic and lover. At your immature and reckless age, you are not experiencing love. Love isn't for the young nor ignorant. Love comes once you have experienced pain, happiness, sadness, and passion. Hold on, that's not passion you are experiencing. Trust me! Your idea of passion is only your vigor to challenge society and your family culture through rebelious independence.

Crap like "love at first sight" and "soulmates" again get a fat, "HAAA-FUEY!" True love comes to you once in a life time and then sometimes we're not ready for it. Everything you experience and every person you experience is only there to prepare you for your true love. All of this is pre-destined.

Now, I know some of you are saying, "You're only saying that because you have someone to love." My answer to that is, "You're right!" I won't BS you and try to play the holier than thuo-role. You're really right. I wouldn't be saying this if I were single, but I'm not! So I'm saying it.

I had girlfriends throughout my youth and I thought I was in love. It was a training period for me and for them. Now with each realtionship, the feelings seemed to get stronger, but that was smoke and mirrors too. As a young man, I experienced pain, but it wasn't from love. See, I describe love as a place. And in this place the numbers are equal. the room capacity has to be an even number. Couples only. What I'm trying to say is being in love, you have to have a partner. You can't be in love alone. As youngans, most of you are experiencing different emotions. 

Girls tend to be lovers or at least advocates of love, but they aren't. Boys rarely think about love and almost all of them are after the prize between a pair of sweet young female thighs. That was my problem as a guy thinking I was in love. While most of my friends were sexing everything walking, I was trapped in the idea of being a boyfriend. I wanted to respect the young lady and build a realtionship. The girls, as girls do, want the guy who is after that prize between the thighs.

Now as I write this as a married man nearly 7-yrs older than my wife, we together have embraced what love is and are there together.

I guess I just want you young folks to focus more on yourselves than falling for the "pipe dream" of romance. You're not living a romantic movie. After you and the girl kiss and walk into the sunset, your lives continue.

Remember what The Crew said, "Too young to fall in love, much too young!!"  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Too Much Drama!!!!

Today, I went on an interview for supplementary income. It was a disaster! First, the interviewer was someone who used to work for me. That should’ve been enough. During the interview, I was asked, “If you are currently in management, how could you take directions and not try to takeover?” I was truly offended. My purpose for looking for supplementary income isn’t at all trying to be another boss or take someone’s position. I’m trying to get Pine Hill Road Publishing up and running. “Dude, get a clue!!!!”  

Wow! Well, they do say when things get tough, though get going. bare with me everyone. We'll be up and running soon...keep your fingers crossed.