Monday, September 12, 2011

I AM A Patriot...

This weekend, we here in the United States remembered the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. On September 9th, 2001, a terrorist group from the Middle East attacked the United States. Over 3,000 Americans died that day. It was the single most devastating attack on the United States by any foreign entity. Since then, the United States entered the theater in the Middle East and is still waging war in two separate military campaigns.

Last night, my family was torn down the middle pertaining to, which steps would be more effective in winning and ending the wars in the Middle East. It turned into a religious, political, and ethical division with my wife, Daniela and son, Nasir on one side against my son, Nile and I on the other. My wife said I was influencing my sons to believe the war had religious foundations and reasoning. She and Nasir said it was “evil” to lump all from the Middle East together as terrorists. They believe in the idea that the attacks on 9/11 were politically based rather than religious.

Nile and I made a simple short statement, which caused confusion and seemingly “disrespectful” ideologies. We said, “Kill’em all, let God sort’em out!” This didn’t go over too well with the wife and other children. I told them I’m an advocate of peace. They asked how when I made that statement. I’ll explain to you as I did them.

“I’ve talked friends into joining the military and I support the war efforts. On 9/11, I realized with everything African-Americans have dealt with here in our country, it still is our country. Nowhere in history, since America was born, has any foreign government or entity had the “BALLS” to strike at us on our court. Of those 3,000 and more that perished in the flames and collapse of the World Trade Center, the crash at the Pentagon, and the crash of the forth plane that was high-jacked, I never felt as part of United States as I did that day. This is home! I know nothing about Africa, Ireland, or the Native Plains. I’m a Country/B-Boy from El Dorado, Arkansas byway of 25th Burleigh Street in Milwaukee, WI.”

I have friends who are Islamic and who have been since birth. Others have converted to Islam. The religious aspect isn’t a factor to me. I think the same about African-American youth who are terrorists in our/their own communities here in the United States. For this, I have been dubbed an Uncle Tom, Sellout, Traitor, and worse.

I’m an American through and through. My family helped build this nation and defend it and it’s principals. My children were born and are being raised here. America is their homeland. Believe what you wish to believe, that is your right as an American, but also support and protect the democratic foundation our framers set in place so you could speak and believe as you wish.

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