Friday, September 2, 2011

"Too Young To Fall In Love"

One of my all time favorite Metal Bands, Motley Crew, had a song called "Too Young To Fall In Love" in the late 80's (I think it was the 80's). I've been seeing a trend in the youth of today pertianing to relationships and claiming to be in love. "HAAA-FUEY!" This note is to those young gunners and ladies who gamble everything on the farm that they are in love. I'm sorry that I'm the one having to tell you this....what you're experiencing isn't love.

Talk it from a true romantic and lover. At your immature and reckless age, you are not experiencing love. Love isn't for the young nor ignorant. Love comes once you have experienced pain, happiness, sadness, and passion. Hold on, that's not passion you are experiencing. Trust me! Your idea of passion is only your vigor to challenge society and your family culture through rebelious independence.

Crap like "love at first sight" and "soulmates" again get a fat, "HAAA-FUEY!" True love comes to you once in a life time and then sometimes we're not ready for it. Everything you experience and every person you experience is only there to prepare you for your true love. All of this is pre-destined.

Now, I know some of you are saying, "You're only saying that because you have someone to love." My answer to that is, "You're right!" I won't BS you and try to play the holier than thuo-role. You're really right. I wouldn't be saying this if I were single, but I'm not! So I'm saying it.

I had girlfriends throughout my youth and I thought I was in love. It was a training period for me and for them. Now with each realtionship, the feelings seemed to get stronger, but that was smoke and mirrors too. As a young man, I experienced pain, but it wasn't from love. See, I describe love as a place. And in this place the numbers are equal. the room capacity has to be an even number. Couples only. What I'm trying to say is being in love, you have to have a partner. You can't be in love alone. As youngans, most of you are experiencing different emotions. 

Girls tend to be lovers or at least advocates of love, but they aren't. Boys rarely think about love and almost all of them are after the prize between a pair of sweet young female thighs. That was my problem as a guy thinking I was in love. While most of my friends were sexing everything walking, I was trapped in the idea of being a boyfriend. I wanted to respect the young lady and build a realtionship. The girls, as girls do, want the guy who is after that prize between the thighs.

Now as I write this as a married man nearly 7-yrs older than my wife, we together have embraced what love is and are there together.

I guess I just want you young folks to focus more on yourselves than falling for the "pipe dream" of romance. You're not living a romantic movie. After you and the girl kiss and walk into the sunset, your lives continue.

Remember what The Crew said, "Too young to fall in love, much too young!!"  

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