Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Words Are Leaking From My Pen...

Last week, I suffered from a case of mental brain lock and couldn’t come up with any ideas to write about. Even though I had outlines and idea sheets, my mind wouldn’t transfer thoughts to paper. Well, that’s over right now. I’m flowing well with my novel project “B-Boys R Us” and my short story “Bigga Than Life.”

I thought it would be difficult to write multiple projects at the same time, but it’s not as trying as one would think. My secret is simple. When working on a project, I focus and stick to the idea and plan of that project. When it gets difficult and thoughts don’t flow as well, I just switch to the next or other project. If I get an idea then, I write it down and continue writing.

The flow of writing for me has smoothed out and has become less stressful…right now! 

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