Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Winds of Change in MKE"

We have been caught in a whirlwind of economic chaos for the last few years. As most of you know, I put responsibility on the individual and not the collective. There are circumstances we all face, which put us in troubling situations, but it is up to us to find ways out of those situations and defeat those troubling barriers.

Hard work never killed anyone...remember that!!

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

Location:Milwaukee County

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I'm Sorry Milwaukee...

Once again, it’s late around here at Home Base. All of my children are over at relatives enjoying time away from the rules and regulations of being home. Earlier today, my father (Ray Senior) came by and chilled with us. It was super-cool! We fell into a discussion of taking a road trip down to Texas so we could visit our people there. The conversation was calm and relaxed as we had an enjoyable time together. While talking with my father, I noticed something.

You all have heard me complain about living in Milwaukee and my desire to relocate back to the South. I’ve stood on a soapbox many times to express my displeasure with the politics and lack of social growth or development. I wonder if my heart felt desire and want to escape and return home has stifled my progression at achieving my desired goal. At my age and point in my life with my family, I truly felt it was my time and my reward at being a good husband and father, I could return home and continue our family back in the South.

My feelings get hurt when I think about Milwaukee and how I’m on the wrong team here…

…just thinking!!! 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pine Hill Road News...

Things around here have been going pretty slowly, but still going. I just dropped the kids off at their karate class at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center (Saleem Karate-Do). The oldest child is there as well practicing for his 8th grade B-Ball Team (Milwaukee College Prep School - Northstars).

I got shut down this morning from attempting to train Jiujitsu with my team-mates. A great friend and my wife spazed on me about “Doing too much” so I decided to chill.  

FASB, IASB, Change Revenue-Recognition Proposal to suit Construction, Software, Other Industries

FASB, IASB, Change Revenue-Recognition Proposal to suit Construction, Software, Other Industries

Sunday, November 27, 2011

"Your Voice Makes Me Scream..."

How many times do you hear someone talking and their voice alone cause you to twist your face in agony? Unfortunately, I tend to feel this way a lot when around particular people.

So many people are stuck in their personal cells of under-achievement they tend to rub off onto those around them. I really just want to create an atmosphere for my children to enjoy their environment and other surroundings. I try to teach them that many people feed off of the misery of others.   

Graciemag International | Check out who is fighting in Texas to go to Abu Dhabi

Graciemag International | Check out who is fighting in Texas to go to Abu Dhabi

Friday, November 25, 2011


When I was a kid in elementary school, I would mess off a lot. My father always said, "If you aren't going to learn, you need to sit in the corner and let those who want to learn focus on the teacher!!!" he would say, "One dummy per class is enough!"

MKE is changing its face everyday. More building and homes are being torn down with newly constructed projects taking the old structure's place. The sad part of this is those who loved in these areas for decades are being moved out due to inflating rents, mortgages, and property taxes.

Even with the realty bubble exploding a few years ago, this deconstruction of urban neighborhoods is steadily continuing. There seems to be no logical answer to halt the displacement of these families.

So we then remember the Mobb Deep song "Survival of the Fittest!" We can either bitch and complain about it, march about it, or profit from it! The choice is yours.

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

Location:N Cass St,Milwaukee,United States

Sleepless Nights...

I'm not sure the ill reasoning behind my constant inability to sleep through the night. Tonight, it may have to do with my youngest in the bed with with my wife and I, which leads to a comfort issue. At 5-yrs old, Naim sleeps like he's in a grappling tournament.

I have a sleep study coming soon. I hope that helps us figure out why I'm having issues falling asleep.

Let's see if it works...

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

Here We Go Again...

How are you doing??

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

On To Something New...

How's everything going? Fine I hope! I have a short video from earlier today for you guys!!!

I guess maybe later!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:N 9th St,Milwaukee,United States

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Brotherhood Lost...

Earlier this morning, my wife and I went to visit with my grandparents at their home in Milwaukee. After being there an hour or so, my older cousin who lives in their basement came in. it was nice seeing him. As we grew up, he was more like an older brother than cousin. We greeted one another and he jumped into the conversation.

He asked why we were there and when my wife explained the conversation went south. He went in a direction I never expected. My cousin, who I thought of as a brother told my wife or began to gloat, rather, to my wife how “HE” conquered one of my (childhood) ex-girlfriends. He began throwing it in the air to my wife who has already heard the story one million times. He spoke on it as though he won something.


He did win something.

He won screwing her…I guess. The funny part was that we are all adults now. He got one up on me. Yep! My cousin screwed my girlfriend! WOW!!! I submit to the fact that the “ONE” thing my cousin could do over me was that. Not create and raise a family. Not met and build a relationship with an amazing woman. Not obtain multiple academic achievements. Not build a career. My cousin screwed my girlfriend.

My wife and I drove home laughing about it. I smiled all of the way to the house. Someone I cared about as a brother would be that spiteful, he brought up something that happened over twenty years ago. Then he mocked me by telling my wife how I was upset and tried to fight him about her.

“Dude, it was over twenty years ago and it was a childhood crush! Puppy love!” WOW!!!!

My family…how trif?!?!!?!   

Saturday, November 19, 2011

What It Is....

It's pretty late right now. I'm hot and feeling stuffy and uncomfortable. What's up for the morning? I know I have an appointment @ 4 PM.

It's all good! I'm gonna go home and watch UFC 139 on DVR. I know who won so...should I even watch? Whatever...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Biggest Loser...

Is it really that bad being a sore loser? I mean, you try to be victorious and when you lose, it hurts so badly, you end up stressing out and snapping out. Well, maybe not that bad. I tend to get a tad emotional about it. I think it makes you a more intense and passionate person.

The chill of the brisk winds are tearing through my thin flannel shirt. This is “sick” weather. I didn’t wear a cap today, well not a winter cap fit for the weather. As I wonder about being a loser, I look at the possible ills, which could’ve occurred at my place of employment because I’m continuously trying to teach and re-teach adults how to do their jobs. A woman who has spent the last few years being victimized by her, then, husband asked us for help keeping him away from her. Well, he came up to the facility and approached her. She was terrified. The husband was known for threatening with weapons (firearms).

It was horrible hearing and seeing the fear she has for this man. What can I do to let my staff understand the severity of this issue? I think they aren’t serious about their jobs and only sees the time when they clock out for the evening.

Sorry, just venting…      

Thursday, November 17, 2011

And The Winner Is...

On a very serious and non-bias attempt to find your (the readers) honest opinions about the 2012 Elections, who in the Republican Party Race do you see as being a true contender for the White House against the Obama Administration?

I know some of you may find it difficult to make a choice, but try to think about it from a non-partisan position. If you had to match any of the Republican Candidates against President Obama in the 2012 Election, who would it be and why?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Recall Scott Walker or Job Creation...

What do you find to be more important, recalling Scott Walker or brining jobs to Milwaukee? I'm not sure, hence why I'm asking you all.

Recalling Scott Walker will do what? Who will run against him? Many would say Tom Barrett, but does Barrett want to run for Governor? I guess that's an answer only to get from Milwaukee's Mayor.

With or without Scott Walker, how do we get jobs in Milwaukee? Some Milwaukee County Board Supervisors tried to develop a plan, but due to its being too elementary, it was tossed out by County Executive Chris Abele.

Hit me and let me know your opinion.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

She Stalks For Love...

There have been questions popping up all over social networking systems pertaining to guys not treating women how they “deserve” to be treated. Okay…I guess! There’s an amazing mindset of youth coming up today. A friend told me, the generation 30-years old and under is considered the “Dumb Generation” due to their lack of actual intelligence. This wasn’t his personal opinion yet, a study done at the university level. In this blog post, I’ll touch several areas where I understand this perception.

The “Dumb Generation” has an idea that everyone owes them or they deserve respect just because. These vibrate youngsters think they know everything yet, knows actually very little. In this generation, we find the very silly thinking of having babies because babies are great accessories to their name brand outfits. They believe working at Mc Donald’s is below them. They think playing video games will land them that big paying job they dream about. They believe studying is to Google information on their computers and cutting and pasting the information without citing it. The “Dumb Generation” is full of reasons why I ride my children and push them the way I do.

A “Dumb Generation” Issue:

Ladies!!!! Just because he screwed you for 3-minutes and a baby was created doesn’t really mean it’s love. There are droves of young women who believe they can make a guy love them and their babies, which were created out of lust and stupidity. Now the young lady is stuck rearing this object of certain self-destructive behavior. Women are chasing and begging for attention from these guys who saw them as “Booty Calls” and hate the mistake of getting them pregnant. The hate is not for the child, but for the hole he put himself in for getting stuck with the young lady for 18-years. These foolish women are hunting and chasing down these guys and exploiting themselves just to think it was love and not a one-night stand. I laugh because the more and more they try to “make” something out of nothing, the more stupid she ends up looking, which is proof she is just that stupid.

I could get on the guys, but we already know that level of stupidity.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Sun and His Stars....

The father/son relationship, I have with my three sons (Nasir, Nile, and Naim) seems to be growing with a great sense of truth from both sides. My sons know what I’m trying to prepare for them and want from them. I realize I can’t force them to do anything because nature will “always” break through. It’s natural for young men to buck and go against their parents, especially their fathers.

My sons are an amazing group of young spirited men. They find strength within their biological cipher. They work well together and watch each others backs. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Concealed And Carry in Wisconsin....

Well, here we go. They have jumped up and the line has been drawn, again, for Wisconsin’s Concealed and Carry. Politicians have chosen to defend or oppose Conceal and Carry in our great state. It makes me laugh on several levels when city, county, and state politicians who have never experienced handling firearms wave the banner against it. As you may already know, I’m a total advocate for Conceal and Carry. In this blog post I’ll try my best to explain why I agree with Conceal and Carry and why you should as well.

It’s a well known understanding people have carried firearms before this law of Concealed and Carry was even a first draft. Where were the checks and balances then? Where were politicians screaming against criminals carrying and committing crimes with unregistered firearms at that time? Now today’s law gives the law biding citizens the opportunity to protect themselves and their families. Those opposing the law claim more guns on the street will create the opportunity for more gun violence. I disagree!

Criminals who use firearms to commit crimes target those who they suspect are “NOT” carrying weapons to defend themselves. Recently, I asked a known Gangbanger on Milwaukee’s North Side (We’ll call – Rocket) who does he target when robbing or assaulting. “Rocket” stated he looks for people who don’t pay attention to what’s going on around them and who are weak. I asked him if he “thought” someone was carrying a concealed firearm would he target that person. “Rocket” stated, “Man, Why? If I thought they were strapped (carrying), I’d move around and find somebody else.”

Those citizens in Milwaukee and Wisconsin who are signing up for the right to carry firearms aren’t the ones we should be focusing on or concerned with. We need to focus on those firearms, which are being carried by criminals or which are unregistered and illegal. Then you have those advocating signs in establishments stating: “No Guns Allowed”. I laugh when I hear this. Why didn’t they advocate posting those signs before the law? Simple, they didn’t know people were carrying firearms into their establishments. I do agree firearms shouldn’t be allowed in courthouses or the capital. That’s a given, but I know you can carry a firearm without others knowing. I know that personally!

I feel with Conceal and Carry in Wisconsin, we as a community should assist the police and state agencies in getting unregistered firearms off the streets and respect the everyday, hardworking law biding citizens who choose to carry firearms for their individual and family’s protection.

I need your feedback pros or cons.   


Monday, October 31, 2011

Shed The Fear...

Mostly, through my career and even work history, I’ve never really left my comfort zone. I’ve always applied for jobs I knew I would secure. How risky is that? I guess, it falls on the statement my wife repeatedly throws at me, “Ray you’re afraid of success!” Man, am I? Am I so afraid of success that I choose then not to attempt achieving it?

I have the tools for success, but I’m very nervous to pull the trigger. I have too much to (i.e., my family) and too much to loose. I found the non-profit sector as my area of comfort. Lately, I find myself researching and looking into my career opportunities in the for-profit sector. Although, I find the competition in the for-profit sector intimidating, there are several opportunities, which I will apply for. I hope to get over this fear of stepping out of the secure doorway of my comfort zone. A friend (Helen Henderson) helped me try and get into the interviewing process for for-profit career opportunities. 


Friday, October 28, 2011

Headhunters Wanted...

Recently, a friend posted on FaceBook about having a Headhunter. I know it sounds morbid, but this type of Headhunter helps you find jobs/careers. Most have a financial cost. I may need to search for a Headhunter to help me find a more lucrative career.

If anyone knows any good Headhunters please forward the info to me.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Class Pictures @ HCS....

We're here at Highland Community School for our youngest three children to take a picture together. This is cool. Because they attend the same school, they can take a group picture for home.

I'm still tired and not feeling well, but I'll push through it. I work from 12:30-8:30 today. I gotta get motivated to get the day rolling properly.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Waiting In The Rain...

I'm waiting for my wife to finish at this training so we can head home. We're on the south side of Milwaukee and the odd thing is, I have to use the bathroom very badly. What can I do? Of I hold it, I may blow a vessel.

The kids are good. They get out at 5:30 this evening and the baby is getting picked up by Kyra. My sister is awesome!!!! Not because she's picking up my son, but for being her natural caring self.

Creating Real Opportunities of Business Development...

I woke up this morning not feeling well and have decided to remain home and try to get this bug out of my system. I hope I don’t end up passing it through the family.

After talking to several associates, I’m coming close to a decision to have a Brainstorming Session at my house. I’ll invite a group of business people and innovators over for a cookout/concept session. You know, getting a group of hungry and ambitious talent together for networking purposes in hopes to spark one another towards creating opportunities in business development.

I am tired of watching opportunities for growth and independent contracting fall to the wayside while there are hungry intelligent and very capable people to do the jobs. Politicians are yelling about jobs development, but I’d rather say come up with an idea (a logical and realistic one) and take it from the Planning Stage to Execution Stage.

This would be a great way to get advice and assistance in launching and starting your business weather you want a for-profit firm or a non-profit contract. I have many ideas and plans for business development, but in particular areas may need direction or assistance from someone.

I’ll keep you posted on the development of the session so you’ll be well notified.    

Friday, October 21, 2011

I Jumped The Gun Again...


What a shocker did I get today! I had an appointment scheduled today with the representative from an agency wanting to hire me for supplementary income. This was right on time and going to be the start of a new and refreshed Ray. After my appointment with my doctor who did my Rotator Cuff Surgery, my wife and I headed to Hales Corner, WI for me to sign the Employment Packet and get my start-up schedule for this new exciting job.
As we crossed into Wauwatosa, WI there was the sound of a phone ringing. It was my cell phone. I answered it. It was the representative from the job. She stated I was “NOT” cleared and she would have to freeze the process and Employment Offer until, I was cleared by Concentra.

Damn, this is the ultimate downer. I just knew everything was developing in a positive light for me and I would be on the road to personal redemption within my own heart and spirit. Now the agonizing pain of failure and defeat have once again found comfort in my own self doubt. I guess, I need to take a deep breath and take some of my own advice. “Buckle down and lace my boots up!” I’m not sure if Concentra didn’t get the clearance or even if there were restrictions on my being hired.

What can I do? Is there anything that can be done?

Talk to you all soon!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The White Whale...

I caught the white Whale this morning. My wife surprised me and bought me the iPhone 4! WHOA!!! i downloaded everything and am on my way. It's feeling much better having my iPhone back. I bet you your newest pair of Nikes, my wife is cooler than yours, =D!!

Downsizing For A Few Months...

I wanted to take this opportunity to inform you guys that I have deleted two of my blogs. "Fat Boy Jiujitsu" and "Don't Be Mad" both have been suspended due to focusing on the "Pinehill Road Diairies" Blog and Website. I'll be moving my website from iWeb to another server so I can continue it and get it out to more viewers.

Stay tuned in to this blog and I'll be posting soon. 

Up Early In The Morning....

"Friends! How many of us have them? Friends! One's we can depend on..."

Rough…all I can say is, it feels rough trying to get in and voice your opinion in an atmosphere unfriendly from several unpopular positions.

One of the traits I truly try and nurture about myself is “Honesty.” Not just being honest to my wife and my family, but being honest as much as possible to everyone I encounter. I have a theory! If you tell your honest opinion about things and are honest to people, there’s no question where you stand. People will know you are a straight shooter and respect you for that.

I learn every now and again, my decision to play the honesty role will cost me relationships with long time friends. Then I have to question, ”Were they my friends in the first place?” Friends and family claim I tend to carry an attitude and am a self-proclaimed “Asshole” to everyone. Many just happen to be friends or so-called friends to my wife, but I have an idea about that. “You should look in the mirror.” When you look in the mirror, you should look at yourself for three minutes and really ask yourself if you’re comfortable with every aspect of your life. You’ll be surprised!!! I bet you’ll then think “Ray’s not really that much of an Asshole...not that much!”

Misery adores company and victims...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Security Officer - Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin -

Security Officer - Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin -

This sounds like a pretty cool job. I'd apply for it if not for the Monday hours. I'd love to work that. And just think, You get academic hours for free if you work there. Sounds cool? Apply for it!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Protest Or Work...

I need your advice or opinion rather. I did something today, I thought would work as a motivator for a few co-workers and staff. I found an article in the local newspaper here in Milwaukee; I printed it then tacked it to the community board in our main office. The title of the Jounral Sentinel article was Wisconsin Loses 800 Private-sector Jobs; Unemployment Rises. The meat of the article was about how we (America) are in a horrible economic period and how we are steadily loosing jobs.

I understand we are suffering from horrid and depressing times right now. We seem to continue to have no idea on how to solve this problem and are continuing to do the same things, which have set us here. As people and families are falling victim to these dire times, I still see people living as though they have all of the time in the world to regroup and get their household finances under control. Below is a comparison of both Wisconsin and United States unemployment growth over the past year or so. 

Wisconsin Unemployment     U.S. Unemployment

August 2011: 7.9%          August 2011: 9.1%
July 2011: 7.8%          July 2011: 9.1%
August 2010: 8.0%          August 2010: 9.6%

I understand you may not be where you’d like to be financially. I also understand it would be only a few people’s choice to work in an environment like they currently work in. for example, I embraced my employment, not because I liked it, but originally because it was a job. As I see friends and co-workers (and myself) who are working so far below their deserved pay grades, many have to find supplementary incomes working below their earning potential. What’s funny too is many employers will refuse to hire those with extensive experience and educations. They do this so they have reign and control over those who aren’t knowledgeable about the job and the job duties.

I’ve experienced several friends who have full time jobs, but who are currently searching for supplementary incomes. They’re working on the weekends or later in the day shifts. This feeling to secure those secondary incomes to save money or even just to break even each month are becoming more important to families and individuals of the American work force.

I’m continuously seeing updates on these “Occupy Wall Street” protests and wonder what the people are trying to achieve. You got do what you have to if you want to get yours. Mc Donald’s is hiring!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

When I Grow Up...

My youngest sister wrote a FaceBook post this morning asking the question: “Why do so many young black males (now white and Asians too) want to be Rappers and Basketball Players?”

I hear her question then have to fall into comfort in knowing, my wife and I are known as parents who are far more supporting than wanting our sons to limit themselves at being Rappers or Basketball Players. Being an African-American and living in a predominately African-American community in Milwaukee, I find my family to be a rare breed. Although, we push athletics and social involvement, my wife and I understand the importance of our sons and our daughter to focus on academic supremacy.

My oldest child, Nasir is currently going through the process of researching and finding his own high school. He understands how going to the “right” school can put him in an environment, which will propel him into a league of financial security and social success. Amazing! 

I still find myself saying, “I wish I could go back to my youth. I would change so many things!” 

It’s these haunting thoughts that terrify me the most. Those thoughts make me question my worth and my usefulness. I don’t want them (my children) to work jobs. I want them to have careers. Real careers full of opportunity and growth.

I remember saying "When I grow Up..." Well, I still find those words creeping from my lips. I hope he finds success in everything he does. Al of my children deserve happiness.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Up until nearly three months ago, I was contemplating trying to make a run for political office due to a lack of leadership in Milwaukee County. My wife worked as a legislative aid for a county board supervisor (10th District) and knew the political machine very well. I was not satisfied with our “so-called” leadership in my district due to the supervisor never coming to interact with his constituents. Soon my wife was left in limbo due to those she entrusted her career with felt obligated to pursue great aspirations in the political arena. When a new supervisor was elected, he started off two-steps ahead and used what was left of my wife for his own gain. I realized then, politicians are truly all the same. I couldn’t fell comfortable discharging people for individual gain.

I grew a horrible taste in my mouth for politics and those “so-called” leaders in city and county government. Then a friend, who happens to be a politician, called me out on giving up. She said I would be giving up on my children and the future of my children’s children. She was right…

…Most of time when I get angry about politics in Milwaukee, my friend, Milele Coggs will help redirect my focus. She great about that.

I’m not sure how much I want to play in the political arena, but it’s necessary to understand it and have a voice. What are your concerns? That doesn’t matter. The important thing is what do your constituents want and need for their families and communities? The new county supervisors need to learn that lesson. The old ones need to remember that same lesson.

We shall see!!! 

Thursday, October 6, 2011


With the holidays creeping upon us, I find myself going through that tunnel-coaster of worry and self-doubt. I heard the number of people who fall in depression rise around the holidays. I’m in no way saying I fell depressed, I just feel unsatisfied with my position within this economy. I haven’t heard about any promotional opportunities or openings to transition to within the county. I’ve researched supplementary income opportunities and have applied for several of them, but still I’ve heard nothing as of yet.

My availability is limited to third shift hours and weekends. With working second shift, my availability is very limited. I have a history of working third shift so that’s really not an issue. It may sound funny (or odd), but as long as I’m able to train Jiujitsu and get rest, I’ll work two 10-hour jobs a day.

I’ve worked in youth and family services for the past 15-years. It’s not getting old, but I think I need to reinvent myself and bring worth into my talent and experience as a manager and employee. As a primary career choice, I’m not sure which direction I can go in right now.

I’d be lying if I said money isn’t a factor. Of course, I’d like to bring more money to our (my family) table I think that goes without saying. Now with Nasir preparing to enter high school and having his pick of where to attend, more money would help if the school requires costs per semester. Also, more money would allow us to rebuild our savings, which were affected during the past few years.

Developing opportunities to create more disposable income is tough right now for me. My focus and desire is to create those opportunities in Jiujitsu and/or Mixed Martial Arts. I’ve had a set back with my Shoulder Recovery, but I still have plans and will work on them to develop into cash creating opportunities.  


What's Going On...

My Novel…

It would be easy to say I ran into a writing slump or am having a brain-fart, but that’s not the case. You guys haven’t gotten anything about my writing projects because I’m getting back to the groove actually using my right hand. My entire arm is full of pain. Right now, the pain seems to be mostly in my shoulder and riding down towards my elbow. I’ve had to catch myself because when my arm is feeling okay, I forget it’s not working and try to use it only to be reminded by a great deal of pain shooting through my shoulder and arm.

I still have my writing projects on deck and they’re coming along pretty well. I’m going to let them sit for a week or so before I begin writing again so my shoulder and arm can heal a little more. It’ll come together.

Knit Me A Heart…

N’kya has done it again! N’kya has started an organization, which is called “Knit Me A Heart.” This organization was thought and created by a 10-year old girl. My daughter! She knits the animated hearts and then sells them. The money she gets from the various knitted hearts, she purchases clothes and other necessities for youth who have suffered an ill-occurrence. I’m proud of her. She just needs to refocus on scheduling and using her time more efficiently.  

Steve Jobs 1955-2011...

I just found out that Steve Jobs of Apple has passed away. This is a sad day around the planet. I pray for his family and friends.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

High School Blues...

This morning, I sat with my wife and our oldest son, Nasir, talking about his quest to find a high school for next year. Earlier this year after we went to El Dorado for a visit, I’d started thinking about relocating our family there. Nasir is in the 8th Grade. Nasir made Daniela (his mother) and I a deal. Nasir said if we hadn’t moved by the time his 9th Grade year began, he would want us to stay in Milwaukee until he graduated high school in 2016. His idea is not to switch or attend multiple schools. Nasir wants to spend his entire high school career at one school.

Although, Nasir is our child and we are the adults, Daniela and I respect his voice and his opinion on his own future. As much as I want to relocate and start a new chapter in our family, I must respect their individualisms and ideas. Everyone else wants to move and start a new.

I wonder if it’s even worth trying to relocate…

…I feel so stagnate and frozen in growth and time.

I would rather stop our desire to move than to jeopardize his academic interests and motivations.  

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I Made A Change...

This morning at 3:03 A.M., I made a huge change in my writing project Pine Hill Road Diaries. Instead of writing several novellas, I’ve chosen to writing one novel and I have combined “Left For Dead” and “B-Boys R Us” into one project called Pine Hill Road Diaries. For me, this is huge!

I’m proud of myself and focused on getting this on project on point. Let’s see how it turns out!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

I Want My iPhone Back...

For the record, I need it to be known, “I miss my iPhone 4!” It was the toughest day in my mobile device experience when I switched from AT&T to my current provider. I knew it would be different, but a month without my iPhone has caused me to consider switching may have been a horrible mistake.

Currently, I am with U.S. Cellular and I use the Android Desire. It is nothing close to the iPhone, let alone the iPhone 4. Physically, the Desire feels cheaper and less durable. I am used to my iPhone 4 while in it’s hard shell cover. And it looks better anyway.

The Applications for the iPhone are totally more awesome and easier to download. They’re user friendly. Also, with the Applications, I could multitask, but not with this android system. The visuals are clumpy and stiff; whereas, iPhone Apps are smooth and free flowing. I miss that, a lot.

The reason I dropped my phone was not the phone itself. I left AT&T and loosing my iPhone 4 was just collateral damage. AT&T has to be the most expensive cellular company on the planet. Really, I hate them so much. It was truly needed and sacrificing my iPhone to escape the company was a must. Android phones are so over rated.