Monday, December 31, 2012


Well,as I write this Blog entry, we are entering into a new year. I can’t rememberanything I was thinking about 2012 this time last year. I know I had made thedecision to run for political office and Daniela and the kids were totallybehind me. Nothing more, really, it’s common for people to make plans orpromises on what they are going to do or change in the coming year. Honestly, Idon’t want to do that. I want to really get on track and get back to pushingthe family forward. I guess that’s my task. To get to where we were as a familyand push the kids forward towards their potential and destinies.


Findingprimary employment is my number one focus right now.  I need to find a daytime 9-to-5, Monday through Friday jobwith an insurance packet. Of course the kids need proper insurance and dentalcare. Hahaha… Daniela was huge on making sure the babies were protected thatway.


Funny,I’m bringing the New Year in watching the last season marathon of ‘The WalkingDead.’ This is the episode when Lori is killed. Wow!


“Ipledge my heart and soul (life force) to my children and the memory of my wifeand best friend Daniela to be the greatest and most understanding andsupportive father I can be to our babies.
Ipledge and promise to never forget her and love her as I did when she was herewith us.
I pledgeto live my life in this New Year and forward to the fullest and most becausethat’s how she lived.
I willput no one or nothing ahead of our family and will do the best I can possiblydo to reach the goals she and I set for our family.
Myword is my bond… 3333xInfinity!!!!!”

As Iwrite this pledge, people are shooting their guns around me in the alleys andside streets and I remember the idea and pledge of being a father and protectorof my family. I am forged with doing what I need to do to get us where we needto be to live comfortably enough for them to reach and exceed their family andindividual goals.

Dayone starts now….    


Buchecha Vs Roger Gracie - Metamoris Pro 2012 Whole Fight - Buchech vs R...

UFC 155: Jim Miller vs. Joe Lauzon Recap

Here we go… after UFC 155 and watching Cain get his title back in smashing fashion and being witness to one of the most hard fought fights of UFC history, we are creeping into a new year. 2013 promises to be a total barnburner in the MMA and Jiujitsu Worlds. During this weekend while watching 155, Fat Boy Jiujitsu Correspondents were in house and front row for all of the action. My pick of “Favorite Fight” was, of course, the three round bloodbath between tow of my favorite UFC/MMA Fighters today.

Jim Miller v. Joe “J-Lo” Lauzon

These are two of the most awesome submission specialists in the game today. Jim Miller has awesome wrestling and is a Jiujitsu Black Belt. Lauzon’s Jiujitsu is off the meter and doesn’t mind going to the ground. Awesome kids and I believe their 2013 will be pretty busy.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

"Technology At Matthews 19th Street..."

My youngest sister and my youngest child are so much alike. I was there today and watched their interaction with one another. Whoa... This is how they get down.
#PineHillRoadDiaries #MWAWG #RayRayLo

Friday, December 28, 2012

"Tal alma Solitária ... "

"Sem mim família, não sou nada. Sem você ao meu lado, eu sinto que nada!"

Many days, I wish everything could go back to the way they were. When I was a good and strong man. A man with purpose and direction. A man who fulfilled the dreams and hopes of the woman he loved and who loved him. Before the dark cloud covered my heart and soul.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


There I stood, staring into her eyes.
Standing on that concrete porchwith no roof, looking into her eyes.
Lost in Daniela’s beautifulBrown eyes.
Why she was nervous?
She, moving back-and-forth, andrubbing her hands together as her white teeth clenched down on the left side ofher lower lip.
Her long dark silky hair pulledback in a convenient ponytail.
Her bright complexion, smoothand delicious and those soothing eyes hypnotized me.

Traffic moving up and down thestreet while neighborhood kids ride bicycles on the sidewalk,
The smell of barb-a-que saucefloats from the backyard across the street.

Daniela’s eyes, those softBrown eyes watered nervously.
I reached down for her wrists.
Holding her wrists, I wiggleddown to her hands.
Holding her soft hands, Iasked, “What’s wrong, baby?”
She closed those beautifulBrown eyes.
So nervous. So uncertain.
What could it be?
Daniela opened her eyes andsaid, “I’m pregnant.”

The four faces of myforefathers appeared…

My forefathers, fourgenerations of men; man-child, pillars to our foundation.
Standing in front of me.  
Judgment Day as a man… as ahusband…as a provider…as a father.
I created,
God did.
Daniela, my Earth.
Nature/ Nurture my seed fromknowledge to born,
Give birth to my resurrection,
Give my resurrection my name.
Flesh of my flesh, he will beblood of my blood.
Kindred to our forefathersacross the sands of time.
Footprints across time.
Time calculated by quantumdisparities rippled through that path in time.
My son, it is your time.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


What is your worth, standing on urban street corners lost for purpose in herds of indigent wasted youth? What can you offer the world besides fashion tips like the usefulness of belts and buckles? Fiction causes you to twist reality with fantasy when your reality is actually a fallacy created by someone whose dreams and fantasies allow him to manipulate…you.

Come on nigga, be that which you accept to be. Nigga only means savage and living useless existences while bring nothing to the masses make you…a nigga. You’d might as well stand on that selling block cause your block ain’t yours. It’s owned by the same folks that owned the selling blocks that your forefather and his fathers stood on.

Hair, check…

Teeth, check…

Balls, none.

You have no balls due to four hundred years of self-mutilation and genocidal thinking and behaviors. So stand there on the block. Sell your balls and your empty soul…that slave is more of a man than you…NIGGA!

#PineHillRdDiaries #LoLifes #25thStreet #ElDoradoAR #Daniela3 #BabyMomma #AZHomie #ShaneFeazell #JeffJohnson #RamoneKendricks #DonteKendricks JermaineCarthan #MWAWG

Ray M.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


The idea of kissing you is an indictment to the soul. To anticipate our lips meeting in a caressing embrace,
tongues lashing, whipping back & forth, then around,
Sharing the carefree, but not "SO" innocent fantasy of melting together.
Our mouths expanding then contracting,
pressing forward.
Our tongues exploring,
our souls releasing.
Our bodies relax into one another tasting the sweetness of possibilities..."

"When I'm Cold At Night..."

I saw you last night with God. Teasing my heart, burning my soul, never realizing the wreck you left in leaving me. I watched you interacting with God as we once would; laughing together, you trusting him as you did me when we were together. I want you back. Holding you in my mind isn't enough. I need your touch, still your love holds me.
On these cold nights the memories of loving you warms me. Your love is a blanket over me. When I'm cold at night your love warm me.

#Daniela3 #MWAWG #BabyMomma

Monday, December 24, 2012


"News Briefing..."

I was rolling through the chapter and everything is going as scheduled. I'm looking for someone to proofread it for me. I may need two or three people. I don't want anyone to read the entire project. I want everyone to be surprised and into it when it's published. Of course my editor will read it. Hahaha... Yeah, this is going to be awesome.

I think I need to work on some of the short stories as well. Everything needs to fall in line so once I publish, we can market strong and distribute through grossing channels. The compilation of short stories is titled'Under My Flesh' with five to six short projects. I want to make it horror, but reality-horror. You know, something possible and believable.


You're likened to a Diamond...

Strong & solid,
Firm & untampered with,
Meant to be,
Determined through growing over time...
time created experiences showing you what could be,
What you are destined to shine above,
Not to be held in constraints,
You reflect the Suns shine with no constraints,
Reflect my shine with no constraints.

When the Sun shines you reflect that shine to the stars like the Moon to the stars,
Our stars,
Five understandings, Five resurrections,
You & I,
We are destined to shine above all with no constraints.

Never let let them cut you. Never let me manipulate your shape or take away from your nature as mother of civilization & all creation.
From you everything is born,
Growing healthy & strong,
Resurrections resurrect from the flames, which brought you from there to here,
Now you can reflect my shine,
Reflect my shine,
One day you'll be mine,
My queen,
Reflect my shine...



My heart hurts, like a thousands arrows piercing one point on my shoulder and as I pull away the pain grows and intensifies. My stomach is uneasy and my chest aches.

I want to go home. I want to go back to the hot and humid thick air too heavy to breath while death wears tank tops and sweat bands…

Hot as the weight of the heat crushes your body down into a lymphatic leaning position where all you can, do…is relax.

Sweat doesn’t get a chance to bead up on you; it pours down your face and chest even your legs sweat because it is too damned hot.

Back home, where our one high school’s mascot, is a Wild Cat and when the Wild Cats play the town shuts down.

I want to go home!!

Chilling on the hill under the carport on the back of my great-grandfather’s pick up truck listening to my father and his grandfather discuss our ancestors.

Damn, my great-grandfather…Andrew Matthews, laid back and like a living dictionary of Matthewism and a practicum of manhood.

13-years on a chain gang simply because of his blood relations. His sickly brother committed murdered…and due to his terminal illness and the sheriff needing someone to be guilty, he took the healthy Andrew instead. Somebody always gotta pay!

I remember him standing tall in that heat, wearing dusty overalls and a paid button up. He loved trucker caps, but his body was so old and worn it was hard for him to raise his hand to place his hat on right, so he banged it before bangin’ was cool!!

In the mornings the dew from the pond created a fading mist, which carried the stench of mud, wet red clay mixed in Hog shit…but I love it.

I want to go home!! No offense to Milwaukee, I can’t deal with the rat race. You can keep your video fantasies of every young black boy being a rapper or if you’re above 5’10” being a hooper. I’m too old to rap and I have no jump shot so I want to go home.

I’ll pack up my wife and our four beautiful babies, load up the truck and head 55-South. All our vices and imperfections packed neatly in our souls. Ray Ray’s going back to El Dog, y’all!!

I want to go home!!

But now, the economy is stressed and I just got back to working after 9-months of weekly unemployment checks and rejection letter after letter from less than quality job interviews.

My mortgage is boarder-line delinquent and I’m on my last extension in the presidents home retention program. I can’t go home, not right now. I have to save money because the house I grew up in is not livable. It’s occupied with raccoons and snakes nesting in the walls. And the walls of my heart still ache.

I’m home sick, y’all. I want to go home!!!


Standing on the corner of 7th and Center, I saw it clear as day.

With traffic moving to the pulsating rhythm of an urban mix tape, a truck’s bed slamming the pavement as a Monte Carlo beats so aggressively like the hearts of young colored boys in Milwaukee. 

Man, pull up your pants. You are not in a video Sherman Show 24 Hours a day. You are not living “La Vida Loca” telling tales of selling Coca, but your story sounds so much, like a Rick Ross track…. but that’s another poem.

I saw it with my own eyes. On the corner not too far from the bus stop just as the bus dropped off and picked up daughters and sons, those unaware of what I was about to witness. 

THERE!!!! There at the Yellow house with all those dusty Niggas drinking beer on the curb. The Yellow house with paint peeling and wood rotting and the old mattresses mildewing in the over grown backyard.

A woman from the Yellow house stood and walked from the porch slowly towards the curb. Probably on W-2 cause we in the hood and all ghetto Niggas are recipients. She just walked to the curb between the house and the bus stop, but near the curb. Never mind the traffic and the daughters and sons getting on and off the bus.

She, in broad daylight, pulled up her dress and squatted down. Her ass inches away from the ground and her dress balled up in her hand. This trifling bitch shit on the curb in broad daylight.

Please Milwaukee, help me understand what would make this trifling bitch shit on the curb in broad daylight?

First thought…

My first thought was she must be a client from the County Behavioral Health, but that was run like a hoe house and even retards know how to use a toilet.

Was she drunk?

Was she that drunk she lost the idea of being regal even though she was only a Black Queen in Ghetto theology?

No, I don’t think all black women are queens and this trifling bitch made sure of that.

I prayed for Milwaukee’s Finest to roll through and I would’ve love to see that Mil-Town Ass Whipping our police are know for handing out!!!

Cars honked their horns and cell phones took aim. Yells from the opposite side of the street rained in on her; and the disquist in me boiled up like a birthing volcano…but then, just as trifling, with her head up she continued to shit. And as smoothly as she dropped down…she finished. She stood up and returned back to the porch.

Not all Black women are queens.

"Happy 21st Birthday..."

Riding around MKE, I rose up into my old neighborhood. I had to pull over and take a picture of this corner. This is the corner at 26th & Auer Avenue.

Back in the summer of 1991, I was coming home from work when a car pulled up to the corner. I was one block away from home. There were about six people in the car. I stood on the corner to let the car past. The guy in the passenger seat threw up a gang sign for "Crip". Well being we were in Milwaukee and Crips were a West Coast Gang, I really didn't pay too much attention. Well, I guess I didn't respond how he wanted me to so he and all his boys stepped from the car. They all pulled guns out on me. "Wow!"

I'm one block from my house, in my neighborhood and this is how I'm going out. "Wow!" They danced around pointing their guns at me with one saying, "Pop this n!gg@! He a glazed donut!" Glazed Doughnut was a diss to Gangsta Disciples. This went on for about 5-minutes. In that 5-minutes no one came by. No cars, nothing. I figured if this is how I'm going down then so be it. It is what it is!!

The driver was a young female and told them since I was coming from work and had a job, I was cool and they needed to let me go. So they did.

Two days later was my birthday. I turned 21-years old and I was legal to buy alcohol. It was a party!!! My homie, Shay Money and I walked around the corner so I could buy my first bottle of beer "legally". While at the corner someone's hand was in my face making the letter "C" for "Crip" and I heard a familiar voice. When I looked up, it was the big mouth from a few nights earlier on the corner of 26th & Auer Avenue. What a birthday gift, I thought.

He said, "You remember this?"
He was with another cat who he must have been trying to impress. "Yeah, he saw my 45...I was gonna pop him!"
He and his friend stepped out of the store laughing. Shay had been outside so he didn't see what went on in the store.

I got my beer and stepped outside behind the two "Crips". When I got outside, they were stand there, not thinking about me, just talking. I said, "A-Yo! Hold up!" Shay walked over a few steps behind me still not too close. "Yeah... Shay, these are the cats that upped missiles on me the other night." Without thought. Shay reached under his shirt pulling out his pistol and pointed it at the big mouth.
Shay said, "Happy Birthday, Folks!"

I'll leave it there. My point is...You never know who you're dealing with when you play that RAH RAH!! Every laid back dude's not so laid back! Not every thug is a real thug!

Think about it!!
#25Street #Quad #BGD #FolksNation #ShauMoney

Sunday, December 23, 2012

"Heavy Hearts, ❤"

I have friends & many are women.
I find myself attracted to their intelligence & culture.
I find myself attracted to their beauty & wisdom.
I find myself still in love with my wife, Daniela.

My heart aches & yearns for her touch.
For her whisper.
I miss her.
My heart aches with the heaviness of being alone.
No one understands me.
How can they?
How could you understand my pain unless she loved you & you loved her.

The chaos & confusion wraps around me like a whirlwind of turmoil and distress.
Trees are torn from the ground ripping their roots from solid soil. Water whips in the winds, slamming & pounding back & forth.
Ten thousand lifetimes & ten thousand lovers couldn't compare to her glory.
Her glory... Her spectacular amazing glorious nature.
Never will you have an equal. Never will I love again...


"Strawberry Waterfalls"

(2x) Why did you leave me...

Why did you leave this reality & me alone in a wilderness of wolves & scorpions,
whose fangs & stingers lust like whores salivating over the smell of bloody money on dirty mattresses in back alleyways.

Where Rats w/ scuff marks across their snarling faces caused from squeezing through tight holes not meant to be holes or used as holes, politic on street corners under broken lamps about the injustices by MPD death Squads,
but don't care about the mass extermination of their kindred in elementary classroom walls or cornfields.

Where black grizzly bears drive CTS Cadillac sitting too big for passengers to ride shotgun,
while tooting shotguns for protection from juvenile dereliction through intimidation and urban gang affiliations.

These monstrosities circulate,
Grizzlies Bears anticipate,
Pull up the barrel,
cock & load,
slang from the hip & let the St. Barnards loose...


Cleared the block,
Roaches scattering when that body drop,
blast loud like two 15's in a kickerbox pounding 8-0-8 baselines.

Praise Jesus...

But you're gone.
Not coming back.
My smiles are reactions to memories of us together,
you are preparing our eternal house for our family.
Our culture ALWAYS our perfected way of life.
I'm taking it from Knowledge to Born because my knowledge borns what we had,
have and will eternally be...

I master this existence for my 7's in the Heavens,
under Strawberry Waterfalls on Furry Hilltops.

I know one thing...

I thing for sure...

Daniela Earth shines brightest to our culture!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

"Pine Hill Road Diaries News..."

New To Me:

I just found out that I have access to things I've written on my business phone on my personal phone via the iCloud. It's cool. This allows me to work on my blog things on my business phone without carrying my personal, which tempts me to get on my social networking platforms. Yeah, you heard me right. I'm trying to slow down on my social networking. Contrary to popular miseducation, Ray actually does work a lot outside of being on FaceBook, Twitter, Link'dIn, SocialCam, Instagram and Blogger. I have an awesome platform called TweetDeck, which allows me to do one thing there and it travels to "ALL" of my social networking accounts.

Why I Use Social Media So Much:

I use social networking as a business tool to assist with projects I'm doing, but mostly to reach out to my audience for the release of my novel 'Pine Hill Road Diaries' due out in publication near summer time, 2013. I know it seems as though I'm really just kicking it and hanging out, but the truth of the matter is the more I'm on social network the more my name and 'Pine Hill arias Diaries' is heard and becomes a common name. So, once the novel is completed in publication, people will already be used to it. At this time, I'm focusing audiences around Milwaukee, WI and Southern Arkansas with a major push via Internet. The website was up for a short period (4 1/2 wks), but came down because the designer wanted to default in the contract. "People... Always get you a contract written when dealing with your business ventures!"

How's The Project Coming Along:

I know you're all just about tire of hearing about these dreaded chapters taking too long. Well, that are. I'm trying to push through and get them down, but I find issues every time I think they're completed. Although, I want to entertain you guys and gals, I truly want to remain focused and accurate to the occurrences in the novel.

I'm meeting with a few new web designers and hopefully, I'll be coming up with a date for the website to be launched. That will be very awesome.

PHR Diaries News:

The PHR Diaries Publishing House will be meeting about their projects and utter saturation based around Daniela Matthews one year anniversary of her passing. This is gonna be a blast to celebrate Daniela's life and something she was in full and total support of.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


You've all heard me discuss being a father and husband and how special those roles are to me. I've come to a realization this drab rainy morning. Many men get caught up in the idea of being the head of their household without truly understanding the purpose of roles in the household. I had it tweaked at first so don't think I'm ridiculing you for not knowing. Remember, with age comes understanding.

Growing up in a small community like El Dorado, Arkansas, I was taught jewels every time I turned around. There was a culture of 'Real Men' who were there to teach me and show me what my job and duties were to my family and community. As I've said, I come from a community where all the families were two-parent households and everyone played their positions accordingly. Watching men like Billy Cook, Joseph Robinson, Mr. Blake, James Sanders, Andrew Matthews,
and Ray Matthews Sr. These men, on that small short road off of Mt. Holly Road, taught me how to be a strong provider for my family. They each taught me how to love and respect my woman and dedicate myself to her happiness. These amazing men showed me how to be a good father to my children and how to love my family.

My desire to be home (Arkansas) is outbid respect for the lessons I learned as a teenager. The person I was due to those teachings impressed Daniela so much she married me. Also, we were in preparation to leave Milwaukee and relocate our family to Arkansas. She saw the potential in raising our children in the family based environment I was raised. Unfortunately, she passed and that dream faded away. Maybe the "Big City" has grown to be too much for me. Hahaha.... Yeah, I've admitted it. I know my friend Shane is laughing at me. I want to be home so much. Small town. Laid back vibe raising my and Daniela's babies in those same ideas where I was raised. As a parent it's our job to be a leader for our families. That's my purpose. What is yours?

This is what Pine Hill Road Diaries is all about. Keep your eye out because the last chapters are being completed.

Friday, December 14, 2012

"The Day You Get A Visit From The Reaper"

If its one thing I know better than anything, it's our time here on this Earth, in this life, has an expiration date. We won't be here forever. We'll all be charged with living our lives then leaving our legacy for our sons and daughters. We'll live as long as our names are mentioned in tales and stories of deeds we've done. The men and women we'll become in legend will be forged today, in these days.

I ask, "When the Reaper comes, how do you want to leave this life?"

Throughout my life, I'd been surrounded by men of virtue. Men of cause and valor. As a child, I dreamt of fighting in the middle of a grand battlefield amongst thousands of warriors dying for a great purpose. There was no good or bad. Simply warriors doing their duty as warriors. My blade chipped and blooded from the warriors who I'd slayed on that very battlefield. I pictured the Reaper watching the battle from a position high on top of a hill. The Reaper sees me and chooses me. And with a very shakey point of his finger, my fate would be chosen. I'd be struck down by sword or arrow to die on that battlefield.

Hahaha.... Well, my idea or picture of my death was very grand at that time. Years and experience has shown my death may not be that dramatic. The swords, arrows and battlefields are gone and replaced by guns, mass killings and health issues. Some of us wish to die by old age, but as my grandparents and parents get older, I find that method to be slow and more painful in ways. I guess here's a problem. If we could decide our own method of dying, we'd create a way to prepare our families and friends for our deaths. So we don't know exactly how well leave this existence so we must life it to the fullest of our capabilities.

My plans are to live everyday as my last in hopes to die a good death. To accept death and teach my children to accept death as the Reaper comes for us all.

#GracieJiujitsu #47Ronin #Mortality #Samurai #Bushido

Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Miss You So Much..."

Loneliness fills my heart and saturates my days with no sunshine in my emotional forecast.

Memories that once warmed the spirit now boils with anticipation of an impending lack of soothing to come.

The void remains, growing and swallowing those memories for nothing seems to matter. Nothing seems to satisfy my love sick soul.

My best reason for being, you are my pleasure as my pain. I miss you so much.

Mother of my four beautiful babies who only have memories of you. Who need you and desire days to be with you.

Daniela, I miss you so much and as the days come and go, my love for you remains to engulf me. I miss you so much because you are my reason for being.


- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Buttered Raisin Bread...

"Whoa... Buttered Raisin Bread!!"

I like eating Raisin Bread with melted butter on it. It's a Ray Ray Special. Okay, maybe I shouldn't be eating it, but there's plenty of things I shouldn't be do that I do now. Buttered Raisin Bread is simple. A simple meal or snack for a very simple man.

I believe in family. I believe in spirituality. I believe in working hard and I believe if you work hard, you'll reap benefits sooner or later. I believe do onto other as you'd like them to do onto you. Cliche, but it is what it is. I don't go out much. I'm not too much a fan of people. I dislike most people. I keep to myself because I can control me. It's tough trying to control and manipulate others to do what I want or need them to do for me.

I'm a man who is a father, provider, husband and one who's focused on being the foundation of something greater than myself. It's tough finding peace in that. My idea of simplicity isn't as simple as I thought. Life is so :(

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sharing Pain....

Tonight, we watched our weekly show ‘The Walking Dead’ on AMC. Tonight’s episode was very emotional. I know! It’s a television show about the Zombie Apocalypse, but it was very emotional for me. Tonight, Carl watched his Mother die and then he had to put a bullet in her head so she wouldn’t come back as a Walker. It was so sad. Yeah, I bet you can guess, I was pulled into the emotional twister thinking about Daniela and our children. I was forced to ask myself… “What are they going through?”

I tend to try to face my demons and my pain in the loss of my wife and best friend, but what about my children? Damn, what have they lost? What are they without? Yeah, I’m here and they have their Dad, but they lost their Mother. There’s no one who can equate or match the relationship between a Mother and her children. The Mother is the first teacher. She is the nurturer and comforter. My children are very strong and resilient. I’ve never come across a child, let alone four children, as strong as these four are. They talk about their Mother and remember her laughter. They talk about her warmth and her guidance. They smile when they hear her favorite songs and mock how she would dance with them.

Wow…. Even writing the descriptions of Daniela and her nature, my eyes swell with tears. My tears are for missing her comfort and her support. I have so much love to give and now it seems to consume me with no place to go. It flows around through my body picking up momentum searching for an outlet. Some would say, “Direct it towards your children”, but they have their own love from me. This love is the passion of a husband to a wife. The bond between a man and his woman. The focus one man has on that one woman who completes who he is. It feels like a time bomb soon to explode. Now this explosion can be a positive one or detrimental to me.

My stomach aches as my thoughts are fleeing. I seem to have no purpose. I can feel the concern of my Father and Great-Grandfather. They don’t want me to feel this void. They love/loved their women and I know my Great-Grandfather loved his first wife even long after she returned to the essence. I wonder if it hurt him as Daniela’s return in aching my heart. Daniela used to say, the Matthews men love hard. Well, I can say we suffer just as hard.

Thank you all for allowing me to share my pain.

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

Sunday, November 4, 2012

"Politics & Me..."

We are now a few days out from the elections to see who the president of the country will be for the next four years. Okay, whatever! Everything is everything and I’m really not too excited about this year’s presidential election. I know saying that will get the crosshairs on my back, but I’m cool with that. Earlier yesterday, I told my daughter (N’kya) that who you vote for is your choice and your opinion. You don’t have to tell anyone your political views and you vote for which you, individually, believe will do more for you as an American citizen. People vote for so many different reasons. I’ve heard some crazy ones and it’s cool. If that’s how they want to spend their vote, they have that right.


Growing up, I was never a fan of politics or the political machine. I come from a family full of me who never gave excuses. We did what was expected of us. We had/have a love and respect for family, community and country. Many people find it very comfortable to fight the establishment and blame the government for their situations and dissatisfactions in their individual lives. Some even have no true beef with the government, they just fight the powers that be simply because it was hip to do so in the ‘60’s. When I became a father, my views on things began to change. I began seeing from the eyes of a parent thinking about the lives of the children and my children as they were born. My wife, Daniela, was more political, but was my true motivator who spawned my interest in local politics. Daniela was a Legislative Aid for a Milwaukee County Board Supervisor. She and I would have long and very intense debates in our living room, which lead to our bedroom. Our bedroom was always a ‘no drama’ area. Never go to bed angry.

Soon, Daniela would tell me, “If you don’t like it, you need to do something to change it. Why don’t you run for office?”

It became an inside joke between the two of us. Daniela would go to many work related events and ask me to attend with her. She was amazing how she worked the crowd. She owned every room she walked into. Soon, though, people would ask me my opinion. Daniela would say, my southern laidback yet, passionate disposition was honest to people. The more events I attended with Daniela, I would be asked my opinion on. Our conversations became venting sessions for us. Daniela saw things from the inside and I saw things as a county employee. Neither of us were happy with county government.

Last year (2011) around October, I believe, we made the decision to go forward. There was an opportunity and we went forward with it. Unfortunately, Daniela passed as the election was heating up and getting good. Now, I take nothing away from the victor’s win of the campaign and his election. After Daniela passed, my focus was in a total tailspin.

A friend (Alderwoman Milele Coggs) told me, “At the end of your election run, you have to ask yourself if you did everything possible to win. If you did, good! But if you didn’t, you leave possibility for doubt. Never leave possibility for doubting yourself.”

Over the last year, I’ve not had anything to do with politics, local government or that professional world in general. My motivation became stagnate. My world was in turmoil. Now as I stand overlooking the ruins of my existence, I question the direction best for me to pursue as a provider, father and citizen our my community.

It’s funny… I don’t find comfort in the Democratic Party. Personally, I think that party is just as wack as the Republican Party. I don’t believe as a voter, you should have to be in a party. I’ve mentioned over and over again, I know not all Dems agree totally with the party nor do I believe all Reps agree with their party. You should have your own choice on who to vote for without the pressures of party members threatening you or making you feel uncomfortable. My grandmother (Leasie Belle Matthews), God rest her soul, when asked who she was voting for said, “That’s not your business. Who I vote for is my business. Vote for who you want to, but please don’t worry about me. Just know I do vote.” I guess she said it best. I follow her wisdom. It hasn’t steered me wrong yet.

Maybe I’m going through a midlife crisis… that would answer a lot. I’d rather charge my situation to my lack of getting after it as I should be, you know.         

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Loneliest Ever...

How can you be loneliest in a room full of people???

One of my favorite bands, Suicidal Tendencies, had a song called 'Alone' with that statement as there chorus to that song. I found spend hours on top of hours listening to the song and eventually I learned to understand and respect the words and what they meant.

You can be in a room full of people and still be oblivious to an emotional or spiritual connection with anyone. You're alone. Lately the majority of my days are lonely as ever. From my experience, people haven't been as honest with me as I try to be with them. This causes discomfort and weakens the idea of a truthful relationship between two people. I miss the comfort of being openly honest without the threat of my honest opinion causing a riff between me and the other person. Lately, I find myself defending my opinions and practices because someone may not agree with me. Instead of respecting my individual opinion, these people would rather judge or point the finger at me. To each his/her own. As I've said multiple times, we need to learn to live and let live. Focus on yourself and leave everyone to his/her own business.

I guess being alone is where my spirit needs to be although I'm hurting internally with it.

Life must go on!!

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

"Back W/ My Insomnia..."

Well, it's official! I'm suffering from an inability to sleep normal hours and function properly. I knew it was gonna kick, but not this soon. Luckily, I'm able to watch one if my favorite shows (Supernatural) while I try to return to slumberland. Nile is knocked out on the couch and Nkya is in her room asleep. Yeah... You already know, Nasir and Naim are both with their cousins this weekend.

I had a rough day yesterday. Damn, I've not had one in a few weeks and it was very heavy on my spirit. Of course it was Daniela based and for some reason, I couldn't get over the moment. It drug on and remained heavy through the entire day. :), its very pressing on my chest carrying the anxiety throughout the day with me. Not feeling competent enough to lead my babies forward. Then with my lack of proper sleeping...

I haven't felt comfortable enough to sleep since Daniela passed. It was easy to rest when she was around because I could trust her and I knew she was watching over me. So many people take that for granted. Having someone you trust so much, you're able to release and allow them to watch over you.

I would always joke that sleep is over-rated and I'll sleep when I'm dead. Well, I wish I could get a good night's sleep, but I worry about my children and our family security so much, it's all I can do and end up sacrificing my own rest. Sad? I know it is.

Due to my lack of proper sleeping habits/practices, I'm sleepy throughout the day and am not able to function as I desire with my children. I'm going to need a new plan because this one isn't working. At least, I'm able to watch a few more episodes of Supernatural. :D!!!

Also, I have the opportunity to refocus and plot out the outlines and storylines for my writing projects. Since, I’m nearly finished with ‘Pine Hill Road Diaries’ and working on ‘Under My Flesh’, which is a compilation of several short stories, I have time to work on those. I’m corresponding with my editor and getting everything ready for self-publication and distribution of ‘Pine Hill Road Diaries’ by the New Year. Personally, I think that’s a cool trade off for sleep. 

Please, if you have any inquiries about my or N’kya’s projects, you can contact me at: We would love to discuss them with you and get your input and feedback. 

- Posted By Radolph "Ray" Matthews

Thursday, October 25, 2012

"Something About Where I'm From"

This morning my heart is heavy for my family in El Dorado, Arkansas where I’m from. Many people ask why I write so much about Pine Hill Road. They ask what is Pine Hill Road? I usual tell them, it’s where I’m from, but when I got this message this morning, I realized, it’s much more. Yeah… Pine Hill Road is where I grew up, but it’s also the nucleus of everything I’m made of and could ever hope to be.

Pine Hill Road is a dead end road off of Mount Holly Road, which runs from El Dorado through Union County into Columbia County and probably through the southern part of Arkansas. When you turn on to Pine Hill and pass by the small private pond to the north of the road, you realize you’re not in 'Kansas' anymore, To-To. The thick tree limbs hung heavy with weighing leafs and even heavier branches above the graved roadway. It seemed as though you were traveling through an organic tunnel. There weren’t many houses on Pine Hill Road; three on the south side and three on the north.

One of the things about Pine Hill Road, for me, were the men who lived there. Other than my father and great-grandfather, Pine Hill had its share of good men. Great men who believed in family and community. It was the best place for a young man to find his models of what ‘real’ men are like. There were men like James Sanders, Mr. Blake, Mr. Robinson and Billy Cook. Along with my father and great-grandfather, these men made sure I was accountable for being the best man I could be.

Billy Cook owned the house next door to us. Now, you have to understand, I’m from the south. So, my idea of next door is a tad different than what next door means in Milwaukee or any larger city. Next door was comfortable. Houses weren’t sitting on top of one another; we had some breathing room between residence. Billy was Rose and they had a house full of kids, =D. The most memorable thing I got from Billy was his work ethic. Now you know people who work hard, but not like this. Billy was the hardest working man, I’d even known. His children respected him and his wife supported him. I knew, I wanted to work and be a man like him.

This morning, I found out that Billy is in need of our prayers. Not getting into it, he deserves the respect of everyone reading this. He is an example of what ‘real’ men are and what these young men need to aspire to become.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Daniela in New York..."

I remember this trip so well. Daniela went to New York with her boss/BFF Beth Coggs. They went to the BAEO Conference and she was able to do something she never thought she’d be able to do… visit the great Big Apple. She was there for about four days and truly enjoyed herself. I remember having to tell her to stop calling me and to just have fun. She wanted me to go so bad, but I didn’t want to be a third wheel amongst women. Damn, I wish I would have.

 As usual, Daniela spent the majority of her time trying to do for the kids and I by buying us tee shirts and knick-knacks. She even went to the Renzo Gracie New York School to buy me a rashguard, but they weren’t open. Such a selfless woman; Daniela rarely thought about herself and always had the kids and I first on her agenda. 

HAHAHA.... All I thikn about when I see these pictures is Jay Z's song about New Your with Alesha Keys.